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Looking for 3D artist for sci-fi MMO via HeroCloud

I have a proposition: The HeroEngine (HeroEngine.com) creators have seen fit to open the doors to a hand full of people who wish to create MMO games (and meet certain criteria), and I managed to snatch one of them during the 24 hour window a few days ago. The server still is in the middle of being configured, but I'll have access in a few days. First let me start by saying I can do it *all* myself (see music [by me!] and some 2D graphics [some by me, including the HUD] in this Stencyl 'idea' prototype [the graphics suffers though because I don't have time to detail it]): http://www.stencyl.com/game/play/3659 (Game: Martian Worlds; Genre: Sci-fi MMOG [explore worlds, fly through space, find alien tech upgrades, special power crystal combos for the arm weapon, defend planets and fight back!, etc., etc.])
I also have a Unity3D layout idea, but decided to switch to HeroCloud instead ... but I'm only one person, and I don't want to spend a few months to go live when I can get help to do it faster. The HeroEngine creators have merged the "Idea System" into HeroCloud, and the license I'm getting means I can start at NO COST (I have no money to invest at all). They will take 30%, I keep %70. I'm not sure how many artists I will want on board to help, but if interested, please reply for more info. Perhaps we can negotiate something that would interest you (credit to your work, time limited royalty, an amount I could owe to you, perhaps a combination of each...). Myself, I used to be on the team developing the 3D editor and engine for Visual3D.net, and have lots of game building experience.
Looking forward to your reply!
(FYI: A similar notice is being sent to many other artists as well, and I'll be selecting the most reasonable offers on the table)



  • I-ninja
    Offline / Send Message
    I-ninja polycounter lvl 5
    Ok im interested
  • jamesnw
    Awesome. :) Do you have some online examples of your work? I have one other artist thus far also. Starting to become a bigger team now. ;) I'm building a list of assets we will need to begin the story line using Google docs. This is going to be so fun! :)
  • jamesnw
    We will be building a universe, and you'll be able to help sculpt whatever planet you can dream of. Visiting worlds and finding new ways to fight against the nano-bot composite enemies is the core of the game, but there will be sub-games as well as part of the various missions. Unless you know HeroScript I'll be doing the coding so don't worry, or you can learn it also if you feel ambitious. Once I have the art, I can do most everything else (including the music and effects).

    Navigation: Base on how HeroCloud works, we need to create "areas". Each "area" can be handled by different servers for load balancing. My thought currently is to have one area per star system, and one area for each planet terrain (planets will be orbiting their stars in real time). The user selects a plant to land on, and the scene fades into the player descending from the atmosphere. The player flies upwards to leave the atmosphere in order to leave the planet. Once in space, at any time, the player can pull up the 3D star map to go elsewhere.
    Where to land?: When a player comes to an object to land on, an menu of available landing sites will be presented - this allows us to add more new sites at a later time (unless it is a very small planet, or moon, in which case there will be only one selection). Once selected, the system will fade and switch to landing mode, and the player will control descent onto the terrain.

    To begin: There will be some 3D stuff I need to begin with.
    1. Player (M/F) in an exoskeleton suit. The character creation system (built into HeroEngine) will be used to allow the player to select a suit, and a color for it.
    - Example (from Timeshift [but a male and female version]): http://cghub.com/files/Image/043001-044000/43861/954_realsize.jpg
    - I'm trying to keep things simple, so perhaps the same suit for all players, except the light around the seems of the suit can change color. If you like, feel free to create 2-3 different suit models, more the batter I guess.
    2. Player exoskeleton-based full head helmet - this gets removed in breathable areas to allow players to see each other's face; thus, the face will be the only visible body part to customize. (see Timeshift example in link above)
    3. Player exoskeleton-based boots: Perhaps a few different types? (3 or so, or it could also be part of the suit itself I guess, like in Timeshift)
    4. A small arm device that has a clear transparent soft glowing crystal in it, which is used to focus the player's mind to create objects.
    - Something like this on the back of the hand (Stargate example): http://www.gateworld.net/wiki/images/9/9b/Transportringsremote.jpg
    - Something like this on the front of the hand (Stargate example): http://isnanchordesk.com/autos/pix/darthurs1.jpg
    - Another idea (from Fallout 3): http://i50.tinypic.com/2pzfw9w.jpg (perhaps a combo of all, you can decide yourself)
    5. Finally, the ship. It will be a metallic ship in the shape of a sphere with a light around it. I can't find a good example other than this: http://l.thumbs.canstockphoto.com/canstock6347729.jpg - its a logo, but imagine the blue color going around it evenly horizontally, with a bright glow. No door is needed, as there's transportation between the devices (only). The ship should be just bigger than the player, but not too big. You can add some other details to it if you wish, but the idea is that it is a smooth metal for certain purposes.

    There are the enemies also, but that's not until a bit later on. I need to get the character selection part completed, setup the HUD, work on the map and navigations, and some effects, including object creation. Once I can select a player and move/fly around, create objects, etc., then I'll be ready to destroy some aliens.

    I will have the official list of needed assets up shortly. I have one artist already on the player stuff, including the player animations. I'll need help with other alien-based structures/objects (an ancient race long wipe out by their own tech).

  • gilesruscoe
    Offline / Send Message
    gilesruscoe polycounter lvl 10
    Is this paid hourly or per model or what?
  • jamesnw
    Re-read the first post, and you'll see this part: "...the license I'm getting means I can start at NO COST (I have no money to invest at all). They will take 30%, I keep %70. I'm not sure how many artists I will want on board to help, but if interested, please reply for more info. Perhaps we can negotiate something that would interest you (credit to your work, time limited royalty, a [differed] amount I could owe to you, perhaps a combination of each...)."

    This is a job for those who love building games in their *spare time* to the point where they just want to do it for fun, and have time to contribute to a journey where there's a big chance of something great down the road. Those who do well will be well taken care of later on. Certainly better chances than winning the lottery. ;) I already have some artists on board, and more are welcome.
  • Ruz
    Offline / Send Message
    Ruz insane polycounter
    belongs in requests if there is no money on the table. You should read the rules
  • jamesnw
    Sorry, my apologies, thought it was an obvious place to post, a bad assumption, perhaps an admin can move the thread for me, thanks.
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