After a long time of study, I'm finally adebt in making models. Problem is, I want to use the original tf2 weapon animations, reload, idle, etc to aid me in this task.
When it comes to animating I suck. All my animations look dreadful, stiff, jittery and not natural.
Every time I try to import an animation SMD into 3ds max, the original smd seems to have been corrupted by the de-compile process. Putting weapon bones at stupit co-ordinates. Like -138475 instead of 0.4.
Is there, currently, any way of successfully importing these weapon animations into 3ds max?
Failing that, is there a plugin or something which can make animating easy, yet compatible with tf2 when exporting?
As for making animation easy, outside of mocap there is very little out there that turns a non-animator into a animation genius...