Hello everybody,
I have recently moved from using Maya 2008 to 2012 and I have been experiencing a few issues that are bugging the day lights out of me. Which I would like to have some help with.
1) Whenever I open Maya I notice a warning singe popping up in the Script Editor for a fraction of a second. When I open the Script I see that the warning says "// Warning: Active stereo does not work with Aero enabled. Active stereo has been disabled. //"
I have no idea what that means, if it has any meaning... Or should I just ignore it?
2) While modeling in Maya 08 I used a toll called Split Polygon Toll. The only equivalent that I could find in 2012 is something called Interactive Split Tool, by the way these tolls are located in the Edit Mesh section. At first it worked fine, until I opened my saved model later in the day to find a warning in the Scrip Editor, yet again, saying "// Warning: Can't perform polySplit5 on selection". Upon using the Interactive Split Tool on the model again, parts of the model would become transparent. I am not entirely sure but I think that the parts that do became transparent are the ones that I used the Split Toll on. The only way that I found to fix this, is to undo everything I did by pressing Z, and redo it all by pressing Ctrl+Z again and a again and again (and even then, that doesn't always work). Is there a "professional" solution to this problem? Am I doing something wrong with the Interactive Split Toll, and is there a Split Polygon Toll in 2012, or is the latter really the replacement for it?
Thanks in advance!
2. They have changed the Split Polygon Tool over a few versions whereas before you could cut from one edge and end on the same edge, in the newer version you can't do this. Don't know if this is part of the problem your experiencing.
And No, I can't see the connection to my problem XD
Oh and the split polygon tool is still there, but is only accessible through the marker menu. Hold shift and right click, go to split and you'll find it there.
Make sure you have maya patched up. Havent had this in a while on maya 2012, though used to happen a lot on 2011.
It doesn't take much to select all/weld verts.
I didn't have any problems with it back in the older version, but now these things happen:
1) Upon adding the shapes to my main model, it deforms oddly.
2) When I try to animate the shapes; they work weird. I think it might have something to do with the Geometry tool, seeing as how that the only Shape that I did not use it on works fine.
Didn't know you could break the cube primitive, but hey...
Anyway, could there be anything wrong with the position of each object? would freezing and/or resetting the position/rotation/scale fix it?
Edit: as for the problem you're facing: I haven't encountered this before... How did you model those blendshape heads?
Edit: I still need help with the Bland Shapes though.
Not sure if this is the cause of the problem, but here's the rationale behind why it might be...
How blendshaping works is that the blendshape node matches the list of the corresponding vertex (or points) of the blendshape and the target. How they find their "partner" points is through the name of the vertices.
Every vertex and face has its own identity under the poly group, much like when you create pShapes (e.g. pSphere, pCube). When a new vertex/edge/face is made, a new "number" (e.g. vtx[79], f[17]) will be given after the biggest number. Every time you delete and make polies, the numbers will be rearranged to fill in the cheese holes in the vertex name list (unlike the naming convention of new pShapes).
So, by deleting faces and making new ones, the blendshape node will blindly follow the naming list and blend accordingly. And it's plainly doing its job.
More: http://download.autodesk.com/global/docs/maya2012/en_us/index.html?url=files/Transforming_objects_Move_rotate_or_scale_components_with_reflection.htm,topicNumber=d28e17403
To fix this (it's the hard way, only because I don't know of a faster fix!), duplicate #5, move it (as object) to align with the spoilt blendshape, and snap the vertices accordingly. Rinse and repeat for other 2 blendshapes. Remove and delete spoilt blendshapes. Add the new ones back in. Reflection in the move tool will help.
But next time, when making symmetrical blendshapes, reflection on move/rotate/scale tool/s. Don't add/remove geo.
I still have a few problems with adding the shapes to the main model:
1) I can't seem to add all of the shapes at once without causing the model to disfigure, like it did before.
2) Even when I try to add one at a time, I have to go into the options menu and select Apply (and not create), rather then just choosing Create Deformers -> Bland Shape.
3) Regarding what I said above in segment 2. That only worked after I re-opened it, otherwise, I would still get some odd deforming.
Edit: Ok... I am editing this for the 4th time now, I don't know why but when I try to animate with the main model, it would randomly work on and off, this only seems to happen with shapes that move the mouth region. I open the file on one minute and it works fine, the next minute I open the file, and it animates just as bad as it did a few days ago.
Edit #2: It's ok Siren, thanks to you I have am 2 steps forward... and 1 step back.
The good news is that the model doesn't disfigure when I add he shapes, nor those it when I re-open the file.
The bad news is that whenever I open the file for the first time since opening Maya and try to animate, the animation will not work properly on some of the shapes. As you can see in the attachment file, the eye brows don't work right, and there is no difference in how I reshaped the faces that have disfiguring at the eyebrow area to the ones who only re-shape the eyelids or the mouth.
Funny thing is, that when I re-open the file a second, or even a third or fourth time, and try again, it works fine. So what the hell is going on?! I am not going to open a file 3-4 times each time I want to do facial expressions.