Hi there! The time had to come sooner or later. Decided to finally open up my first sketchbook ever on here to see how much progress/improvement I'll be making over the next few weeks, months and years.
Currently I am doing some major anatomy studies so do expect to see quite some of them for the time being.

(I haven't touched the hands yet)
Comments and critiques are very welcomed! Don't go easy on me

Either way, let the journey begin!
The only thing that really jumps out at me is the area where the rib cage connects with the abdominals. Other areas of the model show an understanding of the anatomy underneath, but this area feels a little vague and unsure to me. I'd suggest going back to different reference material (skeleton, muscle, then with skin, in different views) and see if you can't define it better. The other area that looks a bit vague to me is the section of the back between the shoulder blades and top of the buttocks.
Great start!
Thanks mate! Appreciate the feedback.
I actually did have trouble with sculpting the back. It was too defined with lats, traps and spinal erectors at first so I ended up dialing it all back down by smoothing everything out and this is what happened. Gotta really study the back some more, it's always been a problem area of mine.
As for the abs connecting to the ribcage, that area is unfinished since I was doing a planar study at the beginning before I decided to put muscles on the figure. I'll make sure to revisit that area!
Here's the fixed version of them as well as the abs:
So if you find yourself struggling when making some ears, feel free to grab this little reference!
This by no means replaces a reference from life because no two ears are the same but it's definitely something to keep in mind when constructing one.
Also, am I crazy off with my anatomy, or are the pectorals looking rather odd right now?
By this image I quickly grabbed off of google, the ends up the muscles go over the area and end into the armpit area. Your model appears to have them becoming concave as they near the shoulders and clavicle.
Keep going with him, it's coming along well!
The pecs look fine to me. They are supposed to insert beneath the deltoids and above the biceps brachii onto the humerus (upper arm bone) which is true in my case. The image above is totally incorrect.
Here's how it looks:
Yeah, I see what you mean from the image you've posted. Something in the area is still feeling a bit off to me, but maybe that's just me, so you might want to check with other people on what they think.
Great head study!
Thank you! Glad you liked it!
Yep, guess Google came up with an ecorche image in which the artist missed the mark, unfortunately. Wouldn't trust such 3D models for reference as much as I would 2D drawings from various well-known anatomy books (by Peck, Goldfinger, Bammes, etc.)
Glad to hear you dig the head!
I'm glad you like it but to be honest, something looks really off to me, especially in that front view. Still trying to figure it out.. I think it's the sole of the foot.
Also, in response to your feet issue, the toes need to be brought closer into the center of the body (as in a wider foot I guess). The arches look great and your details in the toes are spot on except for the thickness of the toenails.
Keep it up
Something I've been working on recently. Still a work in progress:
Here's quickie I did today from a polysphere (Nefertiti, female pharaoh):
Tried out Sculptris for the first time. Pretty nifty app I must say! Should've started with this first, although I do miss some of the brushes found in ZBrush (clay, hPolish, claytubes, etc.)