Id wish they'd stop with the remakes already. They never come close to the old movies. Is Hollywood that dried up of writers that every new film has to be a cringe-worthy remake.
Never read any of it..but really dug on the marvel comic when I was a kid...
I had no hope for this movie...but this kind of put it up to rounding up my friends and going to the Dollar saver for some sword and sorcery shinanagins
Wow. I was on the fence about this one. Figured it was going to be mega cheesy. But that was bad ass and much more true to the original Conan books than I thought it would be.
I've been keeping my eye on this movie for a while now. At first I thought it'd be really stupid. I've never read the original stuff, Arnie was the only Conan to me,all that stuff. But man, they really are making this look fantastic. The new Conan wears a bit much eye make up, but it can be easily ignored, especially after having seen that footage on
ron pearlman is always fucking badass. started watching sons of anarchy and hes wicked in that too. this clip seemed super over the top, and thats exactly what I want from a movie with the word barbarian in the title. fuck yea.
Man, blood is just exploding from those guys. Hope its not Rambo gore for gores sake.
It makes sense when a a dozen .50 cal bullets hit a guy that he blows into pieces. It is moronic violence for the kiddies when they have a person's face explode because it's bumped into some loose snow.
I dunno, I dislike child actors for the most part and I wasnt overly impressed by the one in this trailer either.
I wish they would have gone for a slightly older kid or someone that looks a bit less... child like and fragile. I don't really find it plausible that this kid could take out four armed men alone by doing gymnastics.
Well, atleast Ron Perlman is in it.
I'm on the fence with this one..that clip with the young Conan looks great, but the other clips they've shown just look too clean and like the Prince of Persia movie to really represent what I think about when I see Conan's world in my mind. Hell, one clip has Conan and the love interest running and an EXPLOSION going off behind them.
as for the adult actor for him... i really dug him in game of thrones... I think he`ll do well.
I hope the whole movie is like this though. so badass
and btw, i dunno why people are saying he learned kungfu and does gymnastics... he punched a guy then jumped and kicked him. so what? its not like it was this huge choreographed fight you see in martial arts movies. besides that, hes just quick, like a child usually is...
and btw, i dunno why people are saying he learned kungfu and does gymnastics... he punched a guy then jumped and kicked him. so what? its not like it was this huge choreographed fight you see in martial arts movies. besides that, hes just quick, like a child usually is...
It's not like 3 ninja's where the kids are throwing punches that send grown men flying. Most of what the kid did here was using weapons. A kid stabs you with a knife, like that, it's GONNA hurt/kill you. The head smashing bit... yeah, I see what you mean, but I take it with a grain of salt. If that's all it takes to pull you out of the movie, you're not invested, and wasting your time anyway. It's freaking Conan, you're either on board, or it's not the type of movie you want to see in the first place.
and btw, i dunno why people are saying he learned kungfu and does gymnastics... he punched a guy then jumped and kicked him. so what? its not like it was this huge choreographed fight you see in martial arts movies. besides that, hes just quick, like a child usually is...
If you look at the source-material in the books, he is quite the warrior already at a very young age.
hmmm...dunno. A kid takes down 3 warrior class hunter types... I dislike over the top shit made to please kids who need something to relate to in movies that us adult grew up with.
I friggin love the original Conan, but I think the 70/80's were the golden age for sword and sorcery movies and we'll never see the like again...don't get me wrong. I love modern day fantasy as well...but its not the same...shame, but I am very retro (read: old fashioned)
I hope they do the whole. Kid gets enslaved and made to work for years then becomes a fighting machine, etc.
While I never read the books, or comics, from what I've heard, that kids get enslaved, and made to work for years... blah blah blah was done for the movie only, and has nothing to do with the source material. This movie I guess is more along the lines of the original source, which is great cause they're not remaking the movie, but making the books/comics character and stories.
This movie I guess is more along the lines of the original source, which is great cause they're not remaking the movie, but making the books/comics character and stories.
Correct. Conan is a wanderer who has been fighting in wars since his teens and went in search of adventure, also he's black haired and built/fights like a panther (strong, but agile - Arnold was never much for agility). The old movie doesn't follow the books very closely at all, but I have a special place in my heart for it (that soundtrack is so awesome).
Ok so I too feel kinda odd about the superkid aspect of it.
I mean, I am all for respecting the original material but in a way this just look too ... staged, if you see what I mean. If a kid has such strong skills I would expect the visual style of the movie to reflect it, almost in a Sin City way - Showing the "berserk" personality of BabyConan thanks to a specific visual language. For instance, when he is berserk the lighting setup could be different, showing him as a wild black silhouette, and so on.
It really feels like gory cosplay to me. For instance I like the childhood moments in 300 way better - BabyLeonidas looked super weak in front of the beast in the hunting sequence, and that made for great tension. Here it's like run-kick-punch-jump-stab-cut heads-done.
I wouldn't worry to much about the scenes with young Conan. I think it could be reasonbly speculated that you've probably seen almost their entirety in that trailer and they'll likely move on to an older Conan not long after that particular sequence. I thought they worked well enough, myself.
Yet I think I'll remain a bit skeptical about it until I see more - mostly because I think that the beginning of a movie is very important to establish the tome of pretty much the whole narrative.
The original Conan was full of epicness right from the start without the need of a super kid, I think that was very cool and successful!
Yet I think I'll remain a bit skeptical about it until I see more - mostly because I think that the beginning of a movie is very important to establish the tome of pretty much the whole narrative.
The original Conan was full of epicness right from the start without the need of a super kid, I think that was very cool and successful!
Keeping an eye on this one just in case
I think it's important to note that this is not a remake of the 82' masterpiece movie though, where Milius took quite some liberties, especially with his youth :P
Other than that you're still right, this new movie is most likely even closer to the true conan than the first movie ever was, but it might still very possibly end up quite a bad movie.
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? haha oh come on... arnold super drunk punching a camel brought great happyness to me when i first saw that movie. Only arnold can get away with cruelty to animals back in those days.
Bump because it's (about) out in theaters. WOnder if anyone is going to see or has seen Ronan the Barbarian yet.
Just got home from the cinema, one of the worst movies I have seen in a long time.
Felt like the script was made by a 12 year old D&D dungeon master. A couple of cool sceneries and that was it.
from the trailers - looks good. I like how they're emphasizing the fact that conan was more pantherish and agile - rather than a bodybuilder who can't rotate their neck/head..
still not sold on the origins side though - I know this is a standalone 'prequel' like film, but again - they have to do this batman/spiderman motivation crap (family gets killed = revenge/avenger quest etc..) which nothing faithful to Howard's original tales...
I think this looks like it does a far better job of capturing what the source material was about.
Never read any of it..but really dug on the marvel comic when I was a kid...
I had no hope for this movie...but this kind of put it up to rounding up my friends and going to the Dollar saver for some sword and sorcery shinanagins
I'll be seeing this for sure!
He's still running through a field (hillside or whatever), but it's not for five minutes with his man-friend and silly grin so it may not be terrible.
sound effects were hilarious.
It makes sense when a a dozen .50 cal bullets hit a guy that he blows into pieces. It is moronic violence for the kiddies when they have a person's face explode because it's bumped into some loose snow.
...covering a boulder. Where you listening to it with the sound on?
I like the kid actor in this, think the adult Conan can't act for shit though.
He pulls of "angry savage guy" pretty well in all of his roles, but other than his eyebrows I'm not convinced he has much to offer.
LOL!!! I saw a crit on like that. "That guy's got annoying eyebrows" God, that cracks me up...
(was that you?)
I wish they would have gone for a slightly older kid or someone that looks a bit less... child like and fragile. I don't really find it plausible that this kid could take out four armed men alone by doing gymnastics.
Well, atleast Ron Perlman is in it.
as for the adult actor for him... i really dug him in game of thrones... I think he`ll do well.
I hope the whole movie is like this though. so badass
and btw, i dunno why people are saying he learned kungfu and does gymnastics... he punched a guy then jumped and kicked him. so what? its not like it was this huge choreographed fight you see in martial arts movies. besides that, hes just quick, like a child usually is...
WTF Dude looks like a lady.
It's not like 3 ninja's where the kids are throwing punches that send grown men flying. Most of what the kid did here was using weapons. A kid stabs you with a knife, like that, it's GONNA hurt/kill you. The head smashing bit... yeah, I see what you mean, but I take it with a grain of salt. If that's all it takes to pull you out of the movie, you're not invested, and wasting your time anyway. It's freaking Conan, you're either on board, or it's not the type of movie you want to see in the first place.
If you look at the source-material in the books, he is quite the warrior already at a very young age.
Also, Picts!!
I friggin love the original Conan, but I think the 70/80's were the golden age for sword and sorcery movies and we'll never see the like again...don't get me wrong. I love modern day fantasy as well...but its not the same...shame, but I am very retro (read: old fashioned)
I hope they do the whole. Kid gets enslaved and made to work for years then becomes a fighting machine, etc.
also....shame Mako isn't alive for this.
conan grows to become duke nukem? All makes sense now!
Correct. Conan is a wanderer who has been fighting in wars since his teens and went in search of adventure, also he's black haired and built/fights like a panther (strong, but agile - Arnold was never much for agility). The old movie doesn't follow the books very closely at all, but I have a special place in my heart for it (that soundtrack is so awesome).
looks cool, but yes, Ahnuld will be missed
I mean, I am all for respecting the original material but in a way this just look too ... staged, if you see what I mean. If a kid has such strong skills I would expect the visual style of the movie to reflect it, almost in a Sin City way - Showing the "berserk" personality of BabyConan thanks to a specific visual language. For instance, when he is berserk the lighting setup could be different, showing him as a wild black silhouette, and so on.
It really feels like gory cosplay to me. For instance I like the childhood moments in 300 way better - BabyLeonidas looked super weak in front of the beast in the hunting sequence, and that made for great tension. Here it's like run-kick-punch-jump-stab-cut heads-done.
Yet I think I'll remain a bit skeptical about it until I see more - mostly because I think that the beginning of a movie is very important to establish the tome of pretty much the whole narrative.
The original Conan was full of epicness right from the start without the need of a super kid, I think that was very cool and successful!
Keeping an eye on this one just in case
I think it's important to note that this is not a remake of the 82' masterpiece movie though, where Milius took quite some liberties, especially with his youth :P
Other than that you're still right, this new movie is most likely even closer to the true conan than the first movie ever was, but it might still very possibly end up quite a bad movie.
here, for wanting to make camel punching yet a cringeworthy camoe, you get this:
Also, your sidekicks have now been downgraded from epic valkyrie and a slayer such as subotai, to a whiny teenager and a hobo:
You made a spelling mistake...fixed it for you.
Felt like the script was made by a 12 year old D&D dungeon master. A couple of cool sceneries and that was it.
What about the dude making happy with the Lama?
from the trailers - looks good. I like how they're emphasizing the fact that conan was more pantherish and agile - rather than a bodybuilder who can't rotate their neck/head..
still not sold on the origins side though - I know this is a standalone 'prequel' like film, but again - they have to do this batman/spiderman motivation crap (family gets killed = revenge/avenger quest etc..) which nothing faithful to Howard's original tales...
guess we''ll have to wait and see..