Hi guys,I have create 3 minitutorials about hardsurface modeling inside 3ds,maybe them contain something useful informations for all the guys that are new to it,so i decide to share with the world (at the beggining they was created to help a guy,lol ...ah sorry,the second one is italian,but for sure you can understand it from the images)
Hope you guys find something useful on them (& sorry if this is the wrong section,i don't know if there is a tutorial topic around,sorry)
Also check out the "loop tools" under the "loops" dropdown (when edges mode active).
There is more functionality you might find interesting.
And if u still interest, u can check out my another video i was recorded couple of years ago:
(be advised: there is no need to use a cylinder, a simple circle with autogrid checked will work the same, i don't know why i recorded like this )
Thanks bro!
*sorry if i wrong section,don't know that there was a topic about that :poly141:
Here another one,an improvement on the last one with some other tricks
A little easy tutorial for a guy that was asking how to do the telephone cable
p.s. Its Adam.
so i do this,pretty much self explanatory
Thinking of it now,maybe other 100 people have done a tutorial about :poly122: ...well,hope mine will prove useful to someone,ejoy
Added to the wiki.
Today I had to model a grid like thing,so I thought to do a tutorial about how I did it
Is super easy and don't teach anything new,but if someone where having problem doing stuff like this,here my contribute,hope it helps
I have my own technics to do the same, maybe you find it usefull...
There is more functionality you might find interesting.
And if u still interest, u can check out my another video i was recorded couple of years ago:
(be advised: there is no need to use a cylinder, a simple circle with autogrid checked will work the same, i don't know why i recorded like this