Hey folks,
so iam working on a little sidescroller right now
and my task is to build animations in 3d -
render them out and put it all in one png.
Iam looking for a tool or programm that
puts my 25 frame walkcycle animation to
one png. (Frame one to 25 - left to right)
Its really frustrating to do this all by hand.
can pngs even hold animations?
google is my friend and he says: "No, it can't, at least not nativly!"
really, that was a 30 seconds google search...
Thank you so much
Do you know about a sprite render plugin/script for Maya ?
(Spritetools doesnt work quite well and the other
one is for mac
If your sprites are really small you may want to turn off anti aliasing.
It's nothing fancy, but I think it's really straight-forward.