Since my good friend and neighbour "THE 5" showed me the way back to passion I decided to start drawing again.
I`ve been following Polycount for quite a while, especially the "Digital Sketchbook -section" to find Tips "n" Tricks to improve my skills (I wasn`t registred on Polycount till`now) and after realizing that Deviantart is not the right place to look for critique and "professional help" I decided to register here.
I will join "THE 5" on his way, learning the basics of 2D Art until we reached a decent skill-level that allows us to work together.
Until now I learned everything from books and visiting nude drawing lessons.
(if anyone is interested in which books i am/was using then I`ll upload a list)
Goals I want to reach:
- better knowledge about human anatomy
- drawing in perspective, drawing movement and action
- basic skills in drawing/painting digital
- learning different types of shading
- reaching a decent skill-level in drawing landscapes and sceneries
I really hope you guys give me the chance to improve my skills, leave some critique and advices to make it easier for me and there will soon be a powerful progress in 2D art.
Thanks alot already, for everyone willed to give me a chance.
Here are some of my latest attempts on drawing humans(digital):

Some Random chosen works of mine (unfinished due to a lack of motivation):

THE 5`s Thread about learning the basics:
Doodling around and trying to get some shading done:
Another unfinished pice to improve my shading skills:
Going on with the shading-studies ( i don't like the result..)
-messing up the anatomy
in my opinion a better attempt on getting the shading done right.
this pice shows my current process of shading
1. Sketch / adding basic light and shadow
2-4 adding more ...
my question is, am i doing right or should i start drawing/ shading in another way?
feel free to give a feedback / critique
gonna work some more on this one
i really like the idea
Had to sketch down some inspiration of yesterday evening
unfinished - (like everything else on here
If you're interested on more anatomical stuff, i suggest you get a look at :
The atlas of human anatomy for artist - Great book, awesome drawings of every part of the skeleton and the muscles ! very very handy, I use this one alot when i'm working on zbrush
Gottfried BAMMES - Der nackte Mensch - Whilst the book itself is in german and contain walls and walls of text, some of the illustrations in there are pretty darn good, check it if you can, even though i highly recommend the fist one
im so happy rightnow, some more motivation for me to go on
I`ll definitely take a look at the named books and will decide on buying some or not^^
i already own a pretty good ammount of books, based on human anatomy an illustrations:
- Human anatomy for artists ( andras szungyoghy & dr. György Feher)
- Drawing Figures (Louise Gordon)
- Anatomy for fantasy Artist (Glenn Fabry)
- and so on..
but i didnt stop practicing
here is the proof
Draw from better reference. A boring 3d model with muscles textured onto it isn't going to teach you much about anatomy in practical terms -- try to draw from life, or something like this
and I made some huge steps in the past 1,5 months ( in my opinion)
but thank you alot for the link, there is definitely some usefull stuff on it
happy new year to all of you
yeye this definitely is skyrim inspired :P!