but this is just epic... a fan "remade" the track "smack my bitch up", showing how he thinks the prodigy probably did it back in the day (although that software wasn't available then).
back when they did it, they would have had to use actual synths, and effects boards rather than software to make it... it's not just that either, it's having the vision to look at some of those original samples and say "yeah man... that would fit RIGHT there..."
man... i love stuff like this!
I loved how they changed "change my pitch up" into "smack my bitch up".
Thanks for the link.
i have yet to hear something that isn't awesome from the prodigy.
also pretty cool to see how these tracks are put together, i've always wanted to try it myself but never really looked into it
for example, he started using a laptop at live shows, and it crashed... he asked the audience if anyone wanted to buy a cheap computer, and hasn't used them since at live gigs.
it's damned fun man... just have a crack at it.
Liam recorded Fat of the land with Reason and used Cubase VST before that, iirc
I don't think i've ever heard a released single in the old .mod format but yeah song transcribing to that format is nothing new either. Theres lots of them (ABACAB.MOD is impressive)
It just makes me wonder how these guys could get away with using a guitar part from a contemporary artist.
lol my friend told me about this so I looked it up, an example of it happening /w new artists.
that's sort of my point... i know the prodigy aren't the first/only group to do this, but the creative vision involved in taking something everyone has head and knows, and turning it into something essentially new and unknown, AND making it fit with the rest of the track, is just awesome.