Hello to all the polycount community, today i have really need your help.
I want work on a Survival horror game in a steampunk universe, but i don't have any experience in steampunk universe.To this end, I need help from the Polycount communoty , I looking for just some good reference, from person who knew steampunk
Thank to all and sorry for my bad english.
What I know is that Steampunk means Steam=boss. So plenty of pistons, exhausts, furnancy-things, water tanks and stuff.
What Google know is that your primary colors are brass (or any other metal in that area) and black. Do remember it's set 19th century, so nothing over the top futuristic.
I'm on-and-off working on an animated short using UDK as the renderer, but I can make time for anything anyone might want, since I'm not on any sort of external schedule with this thing (It'll be done when it's done, sort of thing).
If you want to see my modelling style/ability level, check out my WiP Thread at UDK, or ask me to post here. I've been an artist and sculptor for about twenty years, been in the CG arena for about ten. I have Maya and Zbrush and getting-to-grips experience with UDK.
PM or reply here for more info (or...< sniffles > a rejection!
Also, watch this movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0348121/
So I have to say that, between the song and a few questions on the BG forums, you can get pretty much all the information you need.