Hi you guys,
Been a while since i posted, but i've got a question for all you smart people out there.
I've been trying to make a material for the new unreal Landscape sytem that makes the transition between the different textures a bit more irregular and less blurry/fade-y.
Kinda like this:
Problem is.. i can't get it to work
Usually you'd alter the vertex color information by a bitmap, but it seems you can't access the masking information for the landscape in the material editor. I tried different lerps between layers with masks mapped either to the landscape or the world coordinattes, but to no success. It always ends up being tiled all over the layer (which makes sense).
Any ideas how you might tackle this? Any workarounds? Dirty tricks?
ok I figured out a way to do it.
What you want to do is use terrain layer nodes as the mask texture for a lerp between the two materials.
The simplest example would be to have two terrain layers, one black, and one white, then feed that into the alpha node of a lerp. You'll need to component mask the layers to make them into a float 1.
Thanks sprunghunt !!! I owe you