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[portfolio] - Mike Ulloa, Character Artist

polycounter lvl 14
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LRoy polycounter lvl 14
Hey guys. Just got my site up and running and was hoping for a little critique. Still need to put up my CV and fix some things but the end result should be pretty similar. I would like to begin applying to studios in a bit. Thoughts?



  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    Great work... but there's not title at the top of your page, no name, no resume (i know u didnt finish it yet)... its just a gallery. Also, u need more than 3 things in a portfolio, regardless on how awesome they look (and they do look awesome).

    It took quite a while to see u put a way to contact u on one of the images. I completely missed it.

    O, and pose your characters. Give them a cool look. T-pose makes the final result look a little lazy and unfinished. Also, the demon would look really badass hunched over. :)

    Make ur name, resume link, and contact info at the top and make it extremely noticeable.

    Cant wait to see ur folio complete. Just added it to my favs. :)
  • Goeddy
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    Goeddy greentooth
    well its laking the info about you.
    although you know a portfolio should speak for itself, it never hurts to give some aditional information about you.
    also a good pose and good lighting realy can take a model to the next level.
    if you got no time for rigging and skinning, just pose them in zbrush or mudbox via transpose.
  • imijatov
    Try doing a <br> tag between each of the images so they follow a vertical flow. Currently, when I maximize my browser (Chrome), they fill up the screen left to right, then continue to the next line.
  • Dylan Brady
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    Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
    Nice Mike, simple.
    Agree about the poses, although I have been told by some people in the past that if the pose isnt helping the piece it detracts from it.
    So I guess... Do it well?
    lol good luck man.
  • DDuckworth
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    DDuckworth polycounter lvl 6
    About what rooster said with the 3 things, take it one at a time, I am much in the same situation of you as I only have 3 completed pieces worth showing. However I have managed to get a bite from a company, so don't take it as "IT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN" with only 3 pieces, they just have to be good pieces and you will fill out your folio in time as you continue with personal works.

    For the second and third guys though I feel the anatomy is a bit weak, the first two are showing a better understanding, but the demon guy seems to be a little flat, lacking definition on the knees and elbows, and the butt looks like it's scrunched into tight pants even though he's naked. The last guy my only real problem with is proportion, it seems like either his head is too tiny or his upper body is too broad.

    Another thing that would be nice to know are tri counts on your chars and if you want, map sizes. Less is more really works in your favor, so showing great pieces with little resources can really help you out.

    Good luck on applying and if you don't get replies immediately don't let it get you down, just keep trying and working on pieces and you'll get there!
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    Bonebrew : Def need to work on the posing. My first attempt at it was pretty terrible but i'll get there. :)

    DDuckworth : Yeah I don't have too many "worthy pieces" yet. Figure I'll send out where I'm at now and improve from there!

    roosterMAP : Thanks man your stuff is awesome. :thumbup: Added contact info to every image. Resume should be up today.

    Goeddy: Gonna try out transpose master. Thanks

    imijatov : Did not notice this before. Added in it!

    Going to add some more of high res sculpts soon.
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    Hey guys. bit of an update. added a new character. Links are still in progress.
  • Maph
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    Maph polycounter lvl 8
    Pretty cool stuff.
    Personally, I would put that sci-fi chick first, then the barbarian and then that asylum dude. He just doesn't look all that interesting compared to the others imho.
    Also, do what has been said before; and pose your characters and give them some sort of a basic scene. :)
    And last but not least, you need to work a bit more on optimizing your UV space more and general texturing. Try adding more variations of color in your textures and research materals better.
    But keep it going!
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks for the feedback dudes! Worked on posing on lighting. Optimization is definitely my next priority. Please be brutally honest. You won't hurt my feelings I'm just looking to improve.

  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Really nice work man, I like what you've got. Maybe try to pose the other characters as well? It being a character portfolio and all it might be good if you know how to rig and pose them as well :)
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    Good point! Working on that now. Is there anything that looks lacking? I've applied to a few places with poor results. Maybe something I can work on to be more appealing?
  • RogerP
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    RogerP polycounter
    simple and effective, main suggestion would be to place your best models at the top, since it's the first things you'll be able to see, like the girl and the gladiator.
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    Hey, nice stuff. It can be a good idea to put a wireframe view of the sci-fi woman's head so the topology of her face can be seen better.

    EDIT: Also, maybe some light shadows under her belt to show the belt sits on her waist.
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    Been a while since I updated. Would really appreciate feedback on any the new stuff I've put up!
  • Jessica Dinh
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    Jessica Dinh polycounter lvl 10
    Your work is really nice! :D I think you should be careful of how you crop your shots, you are sometimes putting your chars too close to the edge or even cutting them off in some instances, like at their feet or the tops of their heads. Spacing is pretty important for layout imo
  • Dylan Brady
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    Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
    youve got alot of great pieces up now. you'll have no problem getting a good job now man :)
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    Jess, which pic? Or do you mean I should leave more room in general?

    Dylan, I hope so.
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