So I'm dealing with an old piece of mesh that was collapsed to editable poly with isoline checked in turbosmooth it looks like. Is there a way to easily rebuild the object? Some sort of maxscript that could remove points that do not have intersecting isolines would be perfect I'd think...
select a 5-edge vert, a 4-edge vert, and a 3-edge vert. If you mesh has a 6-edge, 7-edge, etc vert, select those too. Basically do not select a 2-edge vert and select the rest.
Go to modify selection in the graphite tools, click the drop down, select edge count only, and select similar. ctrl-i to invert selection, ctrl-backspace to remove the selected verts.
You don't get the same mesh but extrapolating that is probably some ridiculous amount of math, if it's even possible.
1) convert to editable mesh
2) select all edges and set them to visible
3) convert to editable poly
4) run quadrify on editable poly
it won't be perfect but it might get you close
it also reduces the clutter in wireframe view
You can turn it off before collapsing the stack.
I'm *pretty* sure he is aware of that. Thing is, sometimes meshes are accidentally collapsed. Shit happens. The OP wants to know how to deal with a mesh that has been collapsed with Isoline on, because the mesh is completely usless with it.
meshsmooth btw does not do this, if i remember correctly.
a) not sure though, and b) won't get you your original shape, really. maybe retopology'd be the way to go. still massively annoyed by this stupid, stupid bug, though you learn to work around it (like with so many things in max) ..