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What Do I Do?

Alright, so there's this dude, my moms new "friend" and he's a "computer guy" right? So my mom tells him that I built my own computer (which I did, no big deal, its not hard) and that I built a "game" from scratch on my own, which was just my first level I made using UDK and only UDK assets with no game play whatsoever) So this guy comes up to me, and is telling me all this dumb stuff, like the following:
"Have you ever heard of pirate bay? You can blah blah blah"

"Did you know that because you don't have any virus protection, you probably have like a billion junk files on your computer slowing it down? blab bla bla" (I'm not dumb, I don't get viruses and I clean my computer often.)

"Hey man, go to X website and download Y program so you can do Z, its really cool!!!1111one"

He also keeps bragging about how he writes banners and backgrounds in HTML for websites like my space and my yearbook. And from what I've heard, HTML literally takes like a weekend to learn.

I'm not that guy to tell people to screw off I know what I'm doing but like.....screw off, I know what I'm doing you know? I know he just trying to be the cool guy or whatever but he didn't even bother to ask what I knew before he started rambling about what I "should" do. What should I do about this dude?

P.S I just needed to vent, sorry. =p


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