hi guys
in last days i start making a new environment called ' Octopos city " .
i have a lot of ref that i'm going to use so here is some shot from max
and i hope to find some time for my wip gun
a hipoly assest ( sidewalk ) and a modular building
the scene will a little broken
hope you like it
i make another sidewalk , hope it's better then the old one . and just a building
Your high poly assets need more detail and time spend sculpting. Look at reference of sidewalks/etc and try to mimic the details. The newer sidewalk you just made should be made up of multiple pieces like you did the first one. It's not reading that well right now.
@jeffro : yes you right , i have to look more at my ref , now i'm going to do more sculpting and deatailing on it thanks
It looks like your latest sidewalk wasn't evenly subdivided so you're getting some weirdness in the details.
If you're using Zbrush for sculpting I like to set a morph target and use the clay bruch with a scatter and a square alpha to really break up the surface. Then I'll go back with the morph brush with a scatter and square alpha again to bring back some of the detail and shape on my stone/concrete pieces.
Make sure you're using reference, thes scuplts are getting better but they can still be pushed a bit more. :thumbup:
back with som update i'm bored making buidling . i'm going to add another one and start uving and texturing and working with UDK
crits and comments welcome
If you fix this you'll end up with far better assets already.
i guess the problem is from decimation master . to push number of poly down , if i didin't use it the model take long time to import to max
Most likely, you just imported your low poly mesh without first making all of your faces about the same size.
With your next asset, even out the sizes of faces on your basemesh and you'll find you'll have a far easier time of sculpting.
start texturing
I unwrap some buidling and give them a base texture and export them into udk and i sclupt a new side walk with thechnique Gannon give me
As was said, use some reference. And don't be afraid to take your time. Also, things like sidewalks are pretty hard and rough in nature, there probably wouldn't be so many soft little indents, more likely some very sharp chips and cracks. use some more hard-edged and planar brushes and stay away from smoothing.
And plus, you want to avoid big forms and sticky-out (real word? :P) details like that for tileable reasons.. But keep working and you'll crack it!
now i'm going to collect ref and start sclupting
Also, that sidewalk doesn't look wide enough. Typically, a sidewalk is 4' - 5' wide. I think you need to put a placeholder person in there (you can download one from UDK), or just use a extruded rectangle that encompasses a characters collision box so you have an idea of scale.
back with finishing a building texture , and i think i'm going to delet those two suck building .. because now i see some crysis 2 screenshot and get crazy and i'm going wrong so i'm going to make more cool buidling
Keep moving forward and you'll nail it!
also use a different brush to sculpt, try trimdynamic for chipping stone
i'm going to collect a lot of ref .. because i learn ref is the key , and start sclupting broken road and the side walk
So basically, clean that up and add some more edges until you've got a model covered in squares that are of a consistant size and shape, like a checkerboard.
but any who your curb seems to be a bit high i comparison to the scale dude a curb normally comes up to just above the ankle your seems to be just blow the knee it could be just the perspective of the image
any way keep it up
here is a shot from sidewalk and blocking road
@n88tr : in the scene will be a buidling ( focal point ) and with a octopos around it and some aircraft try to stop it because he did the damage that happen to this city
i make the road not like in the old blockout . for now i don't really like those white lines ..
more to come . i'm using tiling texture for this one
crits plz
keep it up!
indeed, first thing that came to my mind was simon's portfolio haha
thanks you again
need some advice
so i'm still working on this. the glass is just a placeholder . and still loking for glass tuto but they are very complicated to understand . hop you like it
EDIT : this is the concept i'm working from it ( crysis 2 )
Just concentrate on blocking out the scene first, then put the props in and then start working on lighting and shaders and it will look "nice".
a shader is all of it combined? All the settings and the way it interacts. Like a "material" in max.
Same thing.