It's been like... a year?... since we updated the rotating banners here at Polycount. There was a huge bug looming with the system that disabled any linking of the author names you see now. Well! It's fixed. Finally! So we'd like to get brand new banners up there and we're asking for your help.
Thinking of the last year or so we'd love it if you could recommend outstanding artwork posted here at Polycount you'd like to see featured in our banners. Links and reasons why you love the piece would be ideal so please, let us know!
~ Macro key shortcut. I haven't ever told anybody this before, but it's actually because a close friend of mine of passed away from breast cancer and there's no key for this. Just a personal reminder thing really.
And Dreamer, my condolences.
You can't have too much banners :P
hats and wips?
I think it would be cooler to see completed pieces only. Other ppl's suggestions of going through the recaps for the finished masterpieces sounds good to me
tut thread:
Snefer's Sci Fi Slum when it's done could be a candidate to.
Personally I like threads where the piece is iterated upon and/or the author explains their reasoning and workflows for doing things.
I'd prefer a massive amount of art cycling through those banners, rather than just a few chosen few.
Edit: I guess that was for a game though, which might disqualify it.
Good suggestions so far everyone - keep 'em coming.
Also Snefer's SciFi Slum
Brawl, Brink Guns, anything from the recaps really.
Heres an idea. Get us "polycounters" to create ONE banner each for an artist that we really like from the past few months. Then either admin chose a few or we have a little poll voting.
no, no and no.
I agree with Stinger, there are some WIPs that can be standalone pieces if presented right. Someone mentioned earlier why not include sculpts? Finished, highly-detailed, polypainted(maybe) sculpts. Sometimes people don't take an idea past the sculpting stage and its a shame not to include them.
-Snefers Sci Fi Slum
Somone also did some really bad ass ATV vehicle thing. I posted in that thread so let me find it and I'll edit this.
Edit: Here we go riddlaz War Buggy
- BRINK guns (Please...lol)
- BRAWL Winnas
- Some sort of concept art
- Adam's balls. no i mean the greentooths
- Minecraft pictures, since polycount is 21% about Minecraft now
- Anubis, the two kids, etc
- All of the unfinished Hsien-Ko attempts in the BRAWL contest (what a shame guys, such lost potential there
- Restore the lost freckles in that one header image
Ok, the first one is the only serious suggestion. But still
I think a TF2 anything would be a bad thing for the header. It'd make the 'wrong folks' problem worse than it is.
http://www.thiagoklafke.com/zestfoundation.html - For a great looking level and his tutorial contribution.
Definitely this guys work. http://paulsvoboda.net/index.htm
This as well: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4361936/folio/index.html - Especially since it was featured on front page once.
http://microwavetower.blogspot.com/2011/03/jstoutbcpage01.html - "Warehaus" which turned out extremely well.
Edit: And obviously this: http://www.polycount.com/2011/07/11/snefer/
Maybe you could fit my work in there? :P Joking.
That's all I can think of. Hope that helps.
Id like to see Ferg get some love, this this and this
For employing half of this forum.
This ^ Really this!
Thats really what I meant by wip threads, the guys that have an ongoing thread of awesome art but don't post "Finished" threads for each little piece of awesome. Like Ferg and Spacemonkey and Nizza, etc etc.
I think some of the stuff from the low poly thread would be sweet, them pixel pushers don't get enough love with all us normal mappers and zbrushers.
He made a cool rock glowy golem thing. That shit was so cash
RedPandaFire has some beautiful character sketches and paintings: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1360787#post1360787
System 404: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=71454&page=2
Acapulco: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=63774&page=4
Jouste has some of my personal favourites: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=53005&page=22
FirstKeeper has some great sketches too: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=69702
There's plenty more threads in there with some fantastic concept work which I would love to see get put up as a banner.
What do you guys think of Hydziors? http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=69263
the goal is a nice balance between chars, environments, etc.
OH MY GOD!! How could I have forgotten. I remember when I first discovered UDK and stuff, and I was youtubin' UDK projects to see what I could do with it, and this was the first huge project I was introduced to. Diffidently banner worthy. I love that thing. Is he done yet?
Edit: He stopped at 80 sumthinn percent. Nvm.
maybe we would like to support some of our technical things like nDo or VoidWorld for instance?