There is one in the graphite modeling tools (2010 and up), while in polygon sub-object mode, go to Graphite Modeling Tools > Click Geometry (All) and select "quadrify all".
There are several free scripts up on also that do roughly the same thing if you're on older versions of max.
You should take care however to break your model apart (if Vertices ID numbers are not important) and quadrify only parts which look simple enough for the scripts or graphite and do the more complicated parts manually.
Try Graphites Quadrify on a sphere, and you'll see what I mean on the ends, even if perfect in even numbers, the sphere will still give you weird results, so yeah, take care on not happy quading everything.
There are several free scripts up on also that do roughly the same thing if you're on older versions of max.
Try Graphites Quadrify on a sphere, and you'll see what I mean on the ends, even if perfect in even numbers, the sphere will still give you weird results, so yeah, take care on not happy quading everything.
Found that a long time aggo. I never had the need to detrinagulate anything so it's up to you to find out if it fits your needs