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Rendering out in Wireframe

Hey guys, this is my first post here! Ran into a problem and a few 3D artist friends of mine couldn't get me a clear answer.

Basically, I'm trying to batch render out a few hundred frames, but all in wireframe, and was wondering if there was a simple way to do this. I was told that there was a probably an option in Render Settings, but can't find any that give the result.

Any suggests? Thanks in advance!


  • Mik2121
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    Mik2121 polycounter lvl 9
    You should let us know what software are you using. But I will just guess you might be using 3DSMax.

    I barely ever render stuff, much less in wireframes. But I'd do it this way:

    1. Create a new standard material and apply it to all your meshes (or the ones you want showing as wireframe).
    2. In the Material parameters, at the top, you will see a few options. Something like this:

    [(B) Blinn [v]] [_] Wireframe [_] Two-Sided

    And another line that I can't translate because I have my 3DSMax in another language right now and forgot the correct names in English :P. Anyway, just check the "Wireframe" box.

    3. Go to the self-illumination parameter (again, forgot the correct name but you should know anyway) and turn the brightness to 100 or else you will get a shaded wireframe.
    4. Choose your diffuse color and then you're done!.

    The problem with this is that you only get to see one side of the mesh. If you wanna see both sides (which can be quite messy), turn on the "Two-Sided" check next to Wireframe.

    The other method would be to have your viewport view mode set to wireframe (F3) and then press on Viewport Capture (or something similar) where you can just render out a video of the viewport. This way is faster, imo. But you don't get antialiassing as far as I know.

    So yeah, you might want to try both methods and see which one fits you better.

    Oh, and sorry for being so vague about the options you have to click, as I said, my 3DSMax is right now set to another language (I'm at work...) and I usually don't remember all the correct names, just memorize where it is and click it without barely reading :P
  • Normandy
    Sorry, I'm using Maya.

    I used the following link:


    It's a little dated (uses Maya 2008) but it still holds up. This pretty much got it working.
  • Mik2121
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    Mik2121 polycounter lvl 9
    Hey Dustinbrown, yeah, someone posted some time ago some seriously awesome Mental Ray materials that have wireframe blended in with the normal material. But I thought the OP would want to just display wireframe (which would look quite messy and ugly, anyway).
  • Normandy
    Mik, I was working in Maya, sorry for not mentioning it. I ended up using the following link, got it working. The link is made for Maya 2008 but works well.
  • wretchedgoat
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    wretchedgoat polycounter lvl 8
  • Mark Dygert
    You could also clone your mesh, apply push to nudge it out above the surface just a hair, apply a wire material, turn off shadow casting and render.
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