Hi folks
I'm trying to paint terrain in max for export to a game engine using vertex paint and all 3 rgb channels to have separate textures. Ive seen posts on people explaining the theory (e.g.
http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=729964) but I cant for the life of me get it working.
Does anyone know of a good tutorial?
Also, is it possible to add decals in the same material (I know, he wants the moon on a stick I hear you cry! ;0)
Hope someone can help
Never got it to work myself. I would suggest real-time shaders instead if it's an option, and alot of it depends on what game engine your exporting to. If it's UDK, then you can simply create the material in there, and call it a day.
There is a tut on texture blending at the bottom of that page.
One of the problems with max's vertex paint is you cant work on the seperate rgb channels like you can in photoshop, I would suggest stacking up 3 vertexpaint modifiers and paint each colour on a different modifier.
Add is totally the way to go. The results look like hell, but as numeric values they work correctly (AFAIK...).
The layer system is a bit confusing, but I've found that if you colapse the stack every once in awhile, it helps things. You may want to name your modifiers too; either "Vertex Paint - Red/Green/Blue" or whatever material each one corresponds to.
Anyhow, if you're still on the road to get Max to show shaders (especially vertex blending), I have a vertex shader lying around. It's pretty bare bones (only the diffuse has been created) but it essentially have everything from Cavity masking to individual channels RGB mapping (as well second UV option for enabling world offset textures).
It's in SFX format (ShaderFX) and it's pretty big, but don't worry, if you know the basics of materials, you will be able to get your head around it.