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Remap Clean remove (CTRL+Backspace) in 3ds Max 2010

Can someone please help me with remaping the clean remove function on another key (alt+y) in 3DS Max 2010? By clean remove I mean that, when i have selected one edge and i want to remove it with vertecies associated with that edge but only in that case when the vertecies connect only 2 edges.I am customizing keyboard shortcut layout only on the left side of my keyboard, and hitting CTRL+backspace is totally out of my left hand boundary :(. I have tried almost every remove function in cutomize keyboard menu, but it only removes the edge without the associated vertecies. It looks like clean remove is missing there. I have already used keyboard shortcut override toggle. I am affraid that i will have to use some macroscript for clean remove, but I am totally lost in this area....


  • Swordslayer
    Offline / Send Message
    Swordslayer interpolator
    If you want to use a macroscript, something like this could get the job done:
    macroscript cleanEdgeRemove
    	tooltip:"Clean Edge Remove"
    	buttonText:"Clean Remove"
    	on isEnabled return
    		selection.count == 1 AND getCommandPanelTaskMode() == #modify AND
    		(isKindOf (modPanel.getCurrentObject()) Editable_Poly OR isKindOf (modPanel.getCurrentObject()) Edit_Poly) AND
    		subObjectLevel == 2
    	on execute do
    		local currObj = modPanel.getCurrentObject()
    		local enumOpEdge = if isKindOf currObj Edit_Poly then #RemoveEdge else #Remove
    		local enumOpVert = if isKindOf currObj Edit_Poly then #RemoveVertex else #Remove
    		with redraw off
    			currObj.convertSelection #Edge #Vertex
    			local selectedVerts = currObj.getSelection #Vertex
    			currObj.buttonOp enumOpEdge
    			currObj.setSelection #Vertex selectedVerts
    			if isKindOf currObj Editable_Poly do subObjectLevel = 1
    			currObj.buttonOp enumOpVert
    			subObjectLevel = 2

    (evaluate it and you will find the script in the Advanced category)
  • Noors
    Offline / Send Message
    Noors greentooth
  • Sparx_25
    Thx swordslayer but that script delete not only the edge I want to remove but also edges, which are connected to that edge. The script I was looking for is in this thread: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1384800#post1384800
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