Hey, I have a material set up for UDK, but every time I try and load it or apply it to a static mesh UDK freezes. I can not even close out and end up having to turn my computer off manually. I am thinking that the texture sizes are to big. With them being at 2048x1024 and a total of 6 textures for a material do you think that could be the cause of it?
Maybe a corrupt or missing texture?
Did you make the material in a different version of UDK than the one you are trying to load it in?
If it does truly crash and isn't churning away at these things, check the UDK error logs for any information. Also try just importing the material itself to a package of it's own, then maps by themselves, then maybe switch the actual maps to dummy maps if you still have problems.
No concrete solutions I know, but all I can think of is to troubleshoot.
One of my friends got their first material crash in UDK, because he had 8 parametric nodes, which all had the same name, but were connected to different functions, so you change one, they all change, and this can be a hassle.
Another thing to note, using a Material Constant = better then actual applying of material itself, did you try that?
Also, what about drivers for graphics card? Latest version updated?