The viewport shows my alphas properly, but when I render I am getting a white halo around the edges. I have switched renderers between scanline, mental ray, and V-Ray and I get the same result everytime. Any ideas?
Tried turning premultiplied on and off and still an issue. I've turned on every button in the opacity part of the shader and still get this. I'm wondering if its some new rendering setting in 2012. Never had this issue with previous versions.
What color is the background of your texture? It needs to be the same color as your leaves. If it is white, you will definitely get a white halo around your edges.
Switch the 'Alpha Source' of the Bitmap in the Diffuse Channel to 'None (Opaque)'. If you have an Alpha Channel in the Bitmap, the color of the Texture is first blended with the background color of the material before being turned transparent by the opacity map. That results in a halo around the alpha-ed regions in the material's background color (unless you have a 1bit Alpha).
Okay I figured it out. Because I was experimenting with V-Ray it changed all my shaders to have a white diffuse color- changing it to black fixed the issue. Thaank you for all the help. Always funny when its something so simple
[edit] Oh, that's what it looks like. This won't work then. :P Hmm. Looks as if the texture for your leaves needs to have the RGB padded.