Hmmm just thought I would post this here for folks. The way I read it has pretty much forced to consider canceling my use of the service. They changed it recently in the last few days from what I can tell. What do you guys think? Here is an excerpt of the terms which can be found on their website.
By using our Services you may give us access to your information, files, and folders (together, “your stuff”). You retain ownership to your stuff. You are also solely responsible for your conduct, the content of your files and folders, and your communications with others while using the Services.
We sometimes need your permission to do what you ask us to do with your stuff (for example, hosting, making public, or sharing your files). By submitting your stuff to the Services, you grant us (and those we work with to provide the Services) worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicenseable rights to use, copy, distribute, prepare derivative works (such as translations or format conversions) of, perform, or publicly display that stuff to the extent reasonably necessary for the Service. This license is solely to enable us to technically administer, display, and operate the Services. You must ensure you have the rights you need to grant us that permission.
Just noticed their is another thread already covering this... here is the link
"Skiffy the junkyard monster looks worried"