Well I was around my brothers house last night and a couple of his friends were around and one of them had a wife who happened to be American (i'm Brittish btw) and she was literally going on for 20 minutes about the 4th of July and couldn't understand why we didn't celebrate it over here.
Well I was around my brothers house last night and a couple of his friends were around and one of them had a wife who happened to be American (i'm Brittish btw) and she was literally going on for 20 minutes about the 4th of July and couldn't understand why we didn't celebrate it over here.
I'm amazed how ignorant people in our country have gotten. Most don't know why we celebrate any of our national holidays, and seem to assume they are global holidays. Why would England not be celebrating with us? They should be glad we took this land from them
I'm glad for our independence, yet feel like every year, we lose more rights, and grow further away from the ideals that we were fighting for.
I wrote code most of the day, for my buddy's company, as a side project. Yay me
I woke up, did some quick work on our old Ford Bronco, took my Corvette for a cruise to a small diner up on the skyline, kicked back and relaxed, then went and watched fireworks with friends...
Great day... especially with what a clusterfuck tuesday turned into..
well i for one am waiting for our independence from america, so people over here will stop referring to television 'shows' as having 'seasons', stop talking on their 'cell' phones as i heard someone say the other day , not have a 'holiday season' at the end of the year, and also - not that they've started yet, but as a preventative measure - not refer to tortoises as turtles.
Well I was around my brothers house last night and a couple of his friends were around and one of them had a wife who happened to be American (i'm Brittish btw) and she was literally going on for 20 minutes about the 4th of July and couldn't understand why we didn't celebrate it over here.
The 4th of July, its like Easter but for the cool kids, everyone should join in and exercise their rights to get plowed, horrifically burn some type of meat (often themselves) and blow up tree stumps while simultaneously setting fire to the neighbors roof and or pet.
The 4th of July is when all Americans get together and celebrate their emancipation from their parents and it can be freely celebrated in other countries that have the same level of oppression of their youth.
Get with the times people... she's way ahead of the curve, you're missing out on a great party.
I was setting up my camera when our local fireworks show started. While Im looking down, my girlfriend says, "Wow! Did you see that!? The lightning just went through the firework!"
I did not see it, but It just so happens I took a picture of it by accident:)
I spent the entire day at work due to an AWESOMELY planned deadline ha
uhhhh? You work for the Germans? ITS AMERICA DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm glad for our independence, yet feel like every year, we lose more rights, and grow further away from the ideals that we were fighting for.
I wrote code most of the day, for my buddy's company, as a side project. Yay me
PETA breaking down doors to rescue the turtle in 3...2...1...
America has the best fictional Presidents.
Great day... especially with what a clusterfuck tuesday turned into..
The 4th of July is when all Americans get together and celebrate their emancipation from their parents and it can be freely celebrated in other countries that have the same level of oppression of their youth.
Get with the times people... she's way ahead of the curve, you're missing out on a great party.
I did not see it, but It just so happens I took a picture of it by accident:)