So after watching Transformers, I thought id try my hand at doing a model which contained some "mech" element. I'm not sure what direction im going to take yet regarding the characters function or story so for now im just looking for an interesting silhouette. One think I have definitely decided on though is that it has to be over the top proportionally and im going to try and do it all in ZBrush rather than use Max for the hard surface.
Heres some thumbs so far.
Right now im edging towards number 9 as my favourite, but 6, 8 and 10 seem quite interesting to work on too.
They're all great, but 10 just stands out to me.
I've got agree here. 10 just looks most interesting.
I have to agree here. They all have the same proportions, only thing different is how you have augmented them.
They all have the wide chest, small waist and stubby legs format.
But from what you have selected, I think there is something strong about #7 and #9, they both have fantastic balance.
maybe I might have a fat fetish or something
I agree, unfortunately (as discussed with my co-workers) I have fallen into a habit of creating a character with those proportions (If I could have it my way, those proportions would be normal human proportions :P).
Sooooooo...I have decided to break that habit and try again. This batch of silhouettes should offer some more variation compared to the original.
Of your second batch I like 17.
6, 9, & 8 from lot 1 could also be pretty rad.
2, 5 , 9, 10 ! Mash up.
Same here.
4, 14 & 18. And I'm interested in what could happen to the #1 guy!
So I hit the drawing board again and decided that as I wanted the character to have a feeling of characterisation to them, so too should the mechanical design.
This concept sculpt is inspired mainly from the Metal Slug games as their vehicles have just as much personality as the characters. I'm going to try and translate this across to the character/mech walker that I am creating.
Here is a screenshot of the kind of design that I want to achieve once i've started creating the character properly. This is still primarily a silhouette test as the design isn't final.
lookin' good so far
Yeah there are some similarities between that model and the curvy silhouette of my mech. Hopefully the final detailing and colour will help differentiate it enough.
Love jody x