I'm an animator going from using custom rigs and the glorious land of Euler to the unknown often berated Biped.
I've said to myself I'm going to use Quarternion now and TCB as I have read many reports of Euler being funky with Biped, not sure about in max 2011.
I would like to share some notes I have found and would also love for any vet. animators with biped to share their workflows/tips/tricks/scripts they find useful in their day to day animation with CS.
Please share your tips as im learning at the moment and any input would be great
Worker of Biped. Selector Script
Biped Hand Selector Script
animation friendly terms for TCB
Charles Tinny -- Halo Wars
As I said in a previous response, I haven't used biped in max2009, so I don't know how relevant my comments will be. I typically do not use euler controllers with biped because I find that max becomes extremely sluggish while biped becomes even more unpredictable. (Ironic because an animator has more control with euler than TCB.) So, for that reason, I leave biped alone and use the default TCB controllers. It is possible with TCB to make the splines (in the graph editor/track view) to do what you want. (i.e. slow ins, slow outs, linear splines, etc.) However, biped is very clunky in the graph editor so do your experimentation on exploratory animations, and use that newly found knowledge in production animation.
In particular when rotating the Bip 01 in 360 you want to use multiple keyframes to achieve this action since, as you mention, biped takes the shortest route to interpolate (or inbetween) to the next keyframe. Do this as a test and see what works best.
When doing a 360 degree motion I usually don't set my ending (360 turn) key until I've done the following steps, which I find easy to follow.
*(Before you begin, for clarity purposes set each new keyframe 5-10 frames apart.)
1) Select your Bip 01 and set a keyframe at degree 0
2) Choose either to rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise, now set a keyframe at degree 90
3) Continue rotating in the same direction that you chose in step (2) and set a keyframe at degree 180
4) Same rotation direction, set a keyframe at degree 270
5) Same rotation direction, finally set a keyframe at degree 360 (which is really degree 0 for biped)
*(You can eyeball all your rotations, they don't have to be perfect.)
You should see that your biped is rotating 360 degrees.
As a second test, you can also try just setting two rotation keyframes on your Bip 01 (about 30 frames apart for clarity). Go to the graph editor/track view and change your view so you can see the Bip 01 rotation curves; then select your first keyframe and set it to a value of zero. Next, select your second keyframe at frame 30 and set it to a value of 360 or -360 (either will do). Watch the test animation to see what results you get. (This may or may not work.) I don't remember which axis (x, y, or z) is the correct horizontal axis, so you'll have to figure that one out on your own.
Euler Centre of Mass?
thanks to Max 8 Euler curves, working in biped is a little easier.
I end up only using the Curve Editor for the Bip01 (center of mass) only. I rarely need it for any other biped parts.
Remember: There's a seperate selection for 'rotation,' 'verticle' and 'horizontal," so don't mix them when you are adjusting curves.
Once you make your curves linear... there's no going back. you won't be able to manipulate the tangets once you make everything linear (can't ever imagine how often you need to do that tho).
The only time I ever need to adjust the TCB's is for the Bip01, hands, and feet. When they're planted.. .or supposed to remain stationary, the curve will cause them to move slighty between the sliding and planted keys. Just zero out the "continuinty" to fix any sliding hands/feets/bip01s when you don't want them moving at all.
also: legend http://www.polycount.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1357924&postcount=13