This a gun that I am working on for a personal project. It is an AK-74, the modeling is close to being done. I am planning on baking this version down to a low poly gun later next week. My goal is about 4,000 polys for the final gun model. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Also, check out Racer445's AK tut, could learn a lot from that.
Keep going.
Ofcourse, since the baking will only see the intrusion/extrusion, any faces that are parallel to the surface normal of the low-poly mesh will not be picked up.
Nice model btw and nice to see another XSI user.
i don't know the fun too well off the top of my head, so i can't give you too many useful crits, though i would say the pistol grip is too square, the real handle is slightly smoother
...great job!
haha this was me when i first found out about floating geo. It was like being re-born
haha, without floating geo, what I do at work would take me twice the time! It be GRRREEAATTTT!!
Only other major issue I can see is the shape of the pistol grip, it's a little squarish right now.
@Scizz I thought the exact same thing when I learned that as well
@GarageBay9 Everything as far as rivets on my model is in my reference. Here is the link!0QMP5ftpBZbfqgMOoMmjvdQ7ZXBSW!
One of my friends at school mentioned that the grip might be square so that is what I have to fix as of right now that is the most obvious thing.
Looks instead like you've misread the tack welds for the bolt rails as full-blown rivets. They're just very faint circular marks on the side, they don't protrude like the rivet heads.
Try this for AKSU reference...
Here is the Lowpoly screen capture for the gun. Managed to get it under 3,000 tris which is under what I was aiming for so I can put some more detail in there if you think there needs to be. Crits always welcome
3k for a weapon is still really high.
EDIT: nevermind, I see it's moved on the AKSU.
There were weapons in Killzone 2/3 that reached 12000 triangles.
boundary edges, or edges that aren't connected to anything, I think its just in xsi, but it may be in other apps.
I should have a test bake up either tonight or tomorrow, I have been gone all weekend and class all day today.
I'm relatively new to Maya, 2.5 years modelling.
Modelled a G18, i don't know if i have the courage to post it haha.