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[WIP] - Brutus Jr Gun

Hello everyone

So I've worked on that gun for some time now and I think it's pretty close to be finished. I don't think I'll modify the model itself too much now, except for some slight changes. However, I'm sure I could push the textures a bit further with some good advice. I tried to define the materials (following Racer445's interesting article I found on NGHS) as best as possible, but after spending too much time on it, I probably miss a lot of things. So here it is.

The mesh is about 5500 tris with 2048 maps. Rendered in Marmoset toolbag.

Texture maps (Bigger size here):

And finally some wires:

As I said before, I'd really like to improve it so don't hesitate to be harsh.



  • low_seb
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    low_seb polycounter lvl 13
    I love the design ,very massive nice shape,
    is the the design from you?

    was a paint metal?
    the scratchs look like on paint
    you can add more scratches and more dirt on it specially on the skull
    for the wood maybe move the texture for find more interesting veins
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    very nice! simple and well executed. :D good job
  • kevlar jens
    That's quite a gun. Based on something from 40k, or?

    It looks really good.
    The wood is looking a bit monotone though. Try sprucing it up a bit and maybe add some wear and tear and cracks.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    The wood grain shouldn't have that much contrast on the specular, wood is pretty polished and smooth the grain would have minimal effect on the highlight.
  • EVIL
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    EVIL polycounter lvl 18
    one crit, you gave your wooden grip the same specular colour as the metal on your gun. may I suggest giving it a slight warmer specular colour? to liven up the wood a bit more. other then that I love the design!
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    EVIL wrote: »
    one crit, you gave your wooden grip the same specular colour as the metal on your gun. may I suggest giving it a slight warmer specular colour? to liven up the wood a bit more. other then that I love the design!

    NO. NO. NO.

    Wood should have a white specular
  • Oiban
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    Oiban polycounter lvl 6
    Love it! Totally agree with ZacD, the spec in the wood is good as it is!

  • nbac
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    nbac polycounter lvl 9
    very well done
  • meshag
    Oh my, I forgot to tell where the concept comes from. Shame on me.
    It's one of Guido Kuip's creations:
    (I encourage you to visit his website, some nice things there)

    Now for the comments:

    low-seb: Actually, I wasn't really sure about what type of metal I should use for the main part. Painted metal seemed to be a good choice as it's quite easy to put convincing scratches on it.

    kevlar jens: To be honest, I tried to add some dirt to the wood but it wasn't really good. And since the concept shows a clean wood, I figured I could keep it that way. Anyhow, if anyone has some good advice for making that wood more dirty, I 'll take it.

    ZacD, EVIL, Oiban: As I mentionned, I watched and read Racer445's tutorials about materials and what I understood is this: For a dielectric material, in order to get white highlights, specular color should be the chromatic opposite of the diffuse color. Is that correct? Or should I completely desaturate the wood on my spec map?

    Considering the wood grain on the specular, I'll attenuate it and post renders tommorow.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    @Meshag it depends on how the shader computes the specular. Most shaders you do have to invert the hue to show it correctly.
  • Perfect_Rolemodel
    That's one way cool gun. I'm curious what the last map is utilized for in UDK or another program?

  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    @Perfect_Rolemodel its a gloss map, or spec power.
  • Rhinokey
    Offline / Send Message
    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    this looks totaly fantastic.
  • line726
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    line726 polycounter lvl 7
    Best gun ~ever!
  • EarthQuake
    Very nice

    The only thing that is really lacking is some larger forms in the texture. Some nice big chunky specific damage, a large scrape here, a dent here, something purposely defined that tells a story. Right now you've just got a little bit of minor wear but none of it stands out, its just there for basic material defination. Put in a few cool areas of damage that give the gun character.

    Some text(hand writen), decals/stickers, engravings(scratched in), or paint would also be good options, other than the typical scapes and dents, for adding character.
  • meshag
    Thanks for taking time to reply.

    Perfect_Rolemodel: As ZacD said, it's my gloss map. In marmoset you have to put it in the alpha of the spec map, while UDK material editor has a slot for it.

    EarthQuake: I thought about doing something like that but I wasn't sure it was a good thing to change the concept too much.

    Anyway, here's what I came up with. I tried to find some sort of theme to it and not go too crazy with unrelated stuffs.
    So it became some sort of futuristic roman legion gun. I'm not really sure about the color, text, and stickers so let me know what you think.


    I also removed the grain from the wood spec and increased the polymer spec a bit. I'll try to add some larger variations to the texture later. For the moment I prefer to focus on deco and color scheme.
  • Nix
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    Nix polycounter lvl 13
    Man I'd say it looks even better than the concept.

    I know you didn't create the concept itself but I gotta say, that's a very cool gun and very amusing design, too. :D
  • KoKos
    Dude it's SUPER awesome !!! :) Great work !

    I made you a quick "paintover" that could help you using you colors to their maximum :)

  • AlecMoody
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    AlecMoody ngon master
    the paint you added matches the value of the metal too closely. Make it like 15% lighter so it separates better.

    I think EQ is right about large scale details. However, I think the you need something that works with the form a little bit better. Those paint lines are cross contour in a way that is distracting.

    Also, for all the painted on stuff- you need to work on the spec and gloss separation so it looks like a different material. Right now the color looks like it was dyed on instead of being a separate material on the surface.
  • Visceral
    Horrible horrible design imo :P but your model/textures are really nice great job sir.
    but seriously thats one ugly gun
  • line726
    Offline / Send Message
    line726 polycounter lvl 7
    Best gun~!ever~!
    like the gun before all the painting.
  • meshag
    Horrible horrible design imo :P
    Visceral: No sir, that gun has a skull. Skulls are badass.

    KoKos: Thank you for the paintover. However, I didn't want to use too much saturated colors like that, at least for the wood. But maybe I'm wrong.

    AlecMoody, I see what you mean about the lines being distracting. It's pretty obvious it was improvised, and not planned from the beginning.
    I also have difficulties adding large details. I tried overlaying parts of photos at some places but it feels unnatural.

    Right now I could use some help. Some paintover or even references of what you think would be nice. It would really help me.

    (The paint already has a slightly different spec and gloss value but obviously not enough, I'll work on that.)
  • boebi
    I really love the design and the model seems really great!

    I was just wondering why the SPQR since the Roman Empire has fallen over 500 years ago? Was just something that didn't really make sense to me.

    About texturing I suggest you read this really great tutorial by Jeroen Maton:
    Many times the difference between a good model and a great model are the small subtle details and he explains some things really well.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    boebi wrote: »
    I really love the design and the model seems really great!

    I was just wondering why the SPQR since the Roman Empire has fallen over 500 years ago? Was just something that didn't really make sense to me.

    oh i get it! brutus.. spqr.. good one. :D
  • Computron
    Offline / Send Message
    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    This is awesome.
  • Azkur
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    Azkur polycounter lvl 8
    i love this gun
  • Nils_Carstens
    hey i think you did a good job overall on this gun, a view things are bugging me though.

    Overall the gun looks quiet well manufactured (even with it's strange proportions) and within that "concept" the skull area just looks quiet lacking.
    First of the skull itself is weirdly shaped and has many flaws from an anatomical stand point wich doesn't really fit to the rest of the gun.
    Second would be that with the added detail textures and theme the gun looks a lot better, however the center of the original gun design is clearly the skull part and right now the added detail texture is not supporting that part of the design. What it should in my opinion.

    Other than that i would maybe take a bit more time to improve the overall look and feel of the texture, if you go for the used look go for it all the way. Just scratches are enough for you standart game look, it's nicer however to have things like a used wood grip with rubbed of bright parts (it's actually the softest material on your gun but seems to be the most intact) or parts where machine oil is gathering etc.
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