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Loss of direction/ in a rut

polycounter lvl 8
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Lazerus Reborn polycounter lvl 8
Im in the Uni break till september so i have plenty of time to be creative but im getting no where. I was given a Zbrush license from my prof' to play with an the UI drives me insane, the normal teething problems of a new program but that along with lack of creativity has just left me chasing after nothing.

Ive tried small 1-2 hour modeling projects to see if i could get my motivation back but it hasnt worked. I've got nothing (at least i hope i dont) to worry about but most of my work just sits there unfinished and whenever i go to do it it feel unmotivated.

Other artists must have been here at one point of another.
So what did you do that helped because its driving me insane!


  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    as far as creativity, don't rely on the program learn to sketch good enough to get ideas down and saved well enough for you to understand them and use the applications to remake it instead of trying to save in idea with the zbrush or what ever.

    Theses don't need to be good sketch's, just good enough to get things flowing in your head again when you review them.

    and also get out of the house/office, and experience as many things as possible, you will never come up with anything creative while sitting in-front of a screen, you need to interact with people and treat your body well if you want ideas to flow freely.

    i find my exercise level and social life had a direct impact on my creativity in both my guitar and bass playing as it does in my 3d work.

    other note while working, good music that give you energy really helps.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    First off, I'm sorry you're going through this. I've been there before and it's a shit hell.

    Also, you might want to search the forum for this. There are 20+ topics, some 5+ pages long, about the same exact thing. There's lots of good info in there and you'll just get the same thing rehashed in here.

    Best of luck man, stay positive and keep trying!
  • SaferDan
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    SaferDan polycounter lvl 15
    I have just got my motivation back after losing it after finishing Uni. I really couldn't spend very long on anything and as such as a couple of open projects because of it. Uni just killed my motivation.

    What I can suggest is just get away from your computer for a bit. I spent the last two weeks at my girlfriends house and when I came back I was just like, right let's go then! The best thing I think is to seriously just stop trying for a bit. I know it's stressful as all your thinking is like I need to be working and getting better but yeah I would recommend just leaving it for a week maybe? You would feel a lot better.
  • Dylan Brady
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    Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
    I'm gonna have to take a different angle.
    Usually for me, when I'm feeling unmotivated, its because I'm struggling with, say, learning a program. or realizing I need to learn more anatomy. or coming to terms with the fact that my textures are the weak part of my work.

    Its usually after this that I make a decision to really push through and learn/take a class/do a study.

    I think if you feel like your creativity is lacking, well you don't need any creativity to learn more about anatomy.

    I remember when i was trying to learn how to use ableton live for sound production, at first it was too daunting and didn't make sense, so I gave up and said it was because the program sucked. than after like three months I finally admitted that I needed to just swallow my ego and learn. after a few weeks I was fluently using it and have made leaps and bounds in the complexity of my productions.

    PS: you should never stop sketching, anything, anywhere, anytime
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