Does anyone else get a loss of HD space when using Win 7???
Been happening a while at first I thought nothing of it, but yesterday I had 11.0 GBs left, I worked with some stuff no downloading (PS/MAX) what so ever, then boom low space warning and I suddenly have 153MB's left.
This has been happening for a while, I had to restart for my space to return wtf is that? Also is their a way to clean out installation setup files when installing new programs, ect, ect. ?
Anything to give me more space

cause these damn obj's/ztl's/textures and cages are big space killing mofo's!
Can I just delete these installation files, does anyone know or have done this or tinkered with Win 7 & not allow It to create these duplicate installation files? How do I prevent fix this?
Win 7 is stealing my space damn It!