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Gridlock Recruiting

GridLock :

Easewebs and Hazmat Productions are working on a new Top-Down Shooter, RTS, RPG. Sounds far fetched right? Actually we are finding a very nice way of tying all of these elements together in a dreadful quarantined city. Witch in fact is modeled after the great New York City.
We are looking to pick up a few extra developers. This is our current team :

David Casey
-Website Developer
-C# and JavaScript scripter

Ted Munnik
-Website Developer
-C# scripter

Jon Rapp
-C# Scripter
-Website Developer
Sakunia :


Game Screens

Night Time :

Sun Rise :

Hotel Room :

Roof Top :

As I said we are looking to pick up a few extra so contact me with a portfolio and we would be happy to check you out.
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