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Kush Kush!

polycounter lvl 9
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Salki polycounter lvl 9
I’ve started yet another project – another sketch turning into something fun! Anyways this is Kush, or as I am still deciding, Kush Kush! The original idea was created by a character matrix I created that randomly generates characteristics. The roll that brought Kush (Kush Kush!) to life was: Male , Stone Age, Late Adult, Sneaky, Warrior, Backpack. Confused? I was too, but this is what I came up with – his “sneakyness” will come down to the pose and scene he is rendered in. Check back on Kush (Kush Kush!) soon!



Fixed his topology for better sculpting in certain areas. Gave him a mouth box for animations later on. Updated his and his helmets eyes. Added additional details, apparently when I first started I was chirping about Kush having squirrels on his belt, so I added those in. LoL.


3D Artist
Complex Games


  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    Great character ..the dead animals are a nice touch
  • PeterRichmond
    I really enjoy him as a character, the animal hoodie is a great touch! however I am a little uncertain which animal it is, and since it seems such a prominent feature, I would really hope that it was an instantly recognizable animal. is it supposed to be a walrus or a turtle or something? or a dinosaur? or is it just supposed to be some fantasy creature that lives in the same world as Kush..

    Thumbs up on the concept! cant wait to see more.
  • Cooljay
    I like the concept for this character. Looks very much like it would be a good character to see more of in the future.
  • Salki
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    Salki polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for the feedback guys.
    @PeterRichmond yeah it's kinda just from his world, not sure if i'm going to do the "real" stone age or twist it into some zaney stone age.
  • n88tr
    nice details on his little squirrel trophies
    ever consider giving him a skull mask kind of thing? i think it might clutter him but i just thought i'd throw the idea out there
  • TrevorJ
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    TrevorJ polycounter lvl 14
    lovin it Salki, looking forward to seeing more of him! the skin on his head reminds me of these dinosaur things that are in Ice Age, but i can't find a picture of them. Might be cool to give the skin a bit more volume and shape, like it still has the skull in it, or go the other way with it and make it droopier. looks great so far.
  • PeterRichmond
    it might be a nice touch to make it something like a walrus, and have those tusks sticking down, which could create a sort of mask on its own. (i see someone mentioned a bone mask below, im also just throwing an idea out there.)

    keep us updated :)
  • Salki
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    Salki polycounter lvl 9
    @n88tr - thx, I am still playing around with the head skin right now so a mask could definately work.
    @TrevorJ - thx, again still playin around with the head piece, unfortunately Kush has massive traps so the form underneath that skin is actually his neck muscles. The only place I can think of drooping it more is the neck area?
    @PeterRichmond - Like the idea again with the bones, I really have to figure something out that still allows him to be expressive and keep the main focus as his face though.

    Gonna dive back in with him tonight.
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