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Ncloth Maya NOT WORKING!

Heeey! I am currently attempting to produce an nCloth simulation on a leaf. I made the leaf by applying an alphamap to a polygon plane.

My issue is that when I try to animate the leaf (to make it go in a floaty up and down motion) the key frames do not register and when I render it out the movement is NOTHING like the movement in the perspective window. I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

The maya work space movment shows its going up and down ok, but the rendered out Quicktime Avi shows it floating. then twisting and bending at the end. Its really confusing

Im new to the program relatively so go easy on me if it is a really simple solution :) Any help you guys can offer me will be greatly appreciated.



  • Warheart
    Offline / Send Message
    Warheart polycounter lvl 17
    Not entirely sure what you're trying to do from that description. Are you keyframing the object as well as running the nCloth simulation on it?

    The discrepancy between the viewport and the rendered result makes me think you may have to cache the simulation before rendering it but that's a total guess.

    It might help to see videos of the render and a playblast to compare to help work out what's going wrong.
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