This has been a regular feature since I started using Maya.
For me it usually happens when I'm messing with verts. Mostly when i'm merging verts or deleting edge loops and it doesn't have to be a messy mesh for it to happen. Luck of the draw sometimes.
Rather than have a nice maya logo when maya starts up it should say "SAVE REGULARLY" in big red flashing letters.
This has been a regular feature since I started using Maya.
For me it usually happens when I'm messing with verts. Mostly when i'm merging verts or deleting edge loops and it doesn't have to be a messy mesh for it to happen. Luck of the draw sometimes.
Rather than have a nice maya logo when maya starts up it should say "SAVE REGULARLY" in big red flashing letters.
One of the reason I switched to Max. Plus I got tons of corrupted "auto recovery(my ass)" files... (you know those useless files cluttering your temp folder)
In the past it was the other way around...
In my experience crashes in Maya are relatively rare (post version 8.0 anyway). I find it certainly crashes a lot more on systems with less ram (e.g. < 4GB). Other than that I find it's usually due to weird topology like trying to bevel on a degenerate edge or something like that.
My rigs brand new (i5, 8GB ram. 460GTX, WIN7) using Maya2012 64bit. I doubt its Ram or driver issue. It can handle huge scenes but as I say even on the simplest model merging verts is a dodgy business.
The biggest headache I've had is combining meshes and merging the verts at seams. Non-manifold geo! WHY???!!! wtf is it.? As far as I can tell it duplicates multiple verts/polys on top of each other which you have to try and find manually (good luck with that).
Last time I fixed a mesh I used ZBrush to clean it up.
My rigs brand new (i5, 8GB ram. 460GTX, WIN7) using Maya2012 64bit. I doubt its Ram or driver issue. It can handle huge scenes but as I say even on the simplest model merging verts is a dodgy business.
The biggest headache I've had is combining meshes and merging the verts at seams. Non-manifold geo! WHY???!!! wtf is it.? As far as I can tell it duplicates multiple verts/polys on top of each other which you have to try and find manually (good luck with that).
Last time I fixed a mesh I used ZBrush to clean it up.
non manifold geometry is:
T formation geomtetry like this: _|_ or faces lying above one another.
inverted face normals
Those are pretty much the two most common things that do non-manifold geometry. There's a bunch of other cases, though cant find the thread that listed them.
Non-manifold topology polygons have a configuration that cannot be unfolded into a continuous flat piece. Some tools and actions in Maya cannot work properly with non-manifold geometry. For example, the Boolean operations and the Reduce feature do not work with non-manifold polygon topology. The image below shows three examples of non-manifold topology polygons.
In the first example (the T shape), more than two faces share an edge. This is known as multiply connected geometry.
In the second example (the bowtie shape), two faces share a single vertex without also sharing an edge.This shape is also possible where two three-dimensional shapes share a vertex (such as two cubes meeting at a single point).
In the third example, a single shape has non-contiguous normals (without border edges). That is, the normal on each polygon face points in an opposite direction.
This is a less obvious example of nonmanifold geometry.
When it cries for bad geo, most of the time clean up don't do anything... You press the button, no error everything looks fine in the console... but nothing happend.
I even had a case where maya would just duplicate polys at the same coordinate when modeling (edge extruding) just for kicks, I had to redo the whole scene when I saw every poly was doubled (couldn't select the enveloppe every tris was disconnected it would have taken ages)...
If it works good. But it never worked without crashing often for me(at least not since a few version I don't remember having much fuss with maya 8 ). Everyting independently of hardware...
I couldn't stand max ui at the time so it went on for years...
Should have mentioned that I just maya to select them for me, which i then isolate and fix. Maya's cleanup never works for non manifold geo or atleast in my experience.
I'm pretty sure Maya's cleanup doesnt particularly clean up anything, it just selects the screwed up areas. From there you can hit F to zoom in on them, although sometimes if you have 2 it will just zoom in to show your whole model which is retarded.
I'm not sure what are you doing. Could you give some steps?
It's especially bad when your working with UVs.
I was removing excess edges and deleting verts. I clear my history in maya a lot, like every 20 minutes in the edit window.
I never had this happen in maya 2009, I'm guessing it's a win7+maya 2012 issue
Just save more I guess
For me it usually happens when I'm messing with verts. Mostly when i'm merging verts or deleting edge loops and it doesn't have to be a messy mesh for it to happen. Luck of the draw sometimes.
Rather than have a nice maya logo when maya starts up it should say "SAVE REGULARLY" in big red flashing letters.
One of the reason I switched to Max. Plus I got tons of corrupted "auto recovery(my ass)" files... (you know those useless files cluttering your temp folder)
In the past it was the other way around...
The biggest headache I've had is combining meshes and merging the verts at seams. Non-manifold geo! WHY???!!! wtf is it.? As far as I can tell it duplicates multiple verts/polys on top of each other which you have to try and find manually (good luck with that).
Last time I fixed a mesh I used ZBrush to clean it up.
non manifold geometry is:
T formation geomtetry like this: _|_ or faces lying above one another.
inverted face normals
Those are pretty much the two most common things that do non-manifold geometry. There's a bunch of other cases, though cant find the thread that listed them.
Mesh -> Cleanup is the best way to hunt them down
Mesh -> Cleanup very rarely works for me. I generally have to track down the bad polys using select contraint, etc.
I'll re open an old mesh when I get home tonight and show the trouble I had. Might even post the mesh to see if you guys can make sense of it.
I even had a case where maya would just duplicate polys at the same coordinate when modeling (edge extruding) just for kicks, I had to redo the whole scene when I saw every poly was doubled (couldn't select the enveloppe every tris was disconnected it would have taken ages)...
If it works good. But it never worked without crashing often for me(at least not since a few version I don't remember having much fuss with maya 8 ). Everyting independently of hardware...
I couldn't stand max ui at the time so it went on for years...
Edit: y'know, I can't think of having many crashes since v8.0, even when making terrible geometry. I'm not sure where to start with troubleshooting.