So, I decided it was a waste to only make two screenshots of an environment, so i put in some extra effort and fixed alot of background fuglery, added some new shaders, a few small filler props, and made a slightly bigger scene out of it. There are still alot of issues, most of the objects were never meant to be seen this close, so there was no way to hide that, but I hope you like anyway. Also some bugs with lighmaps and so on, but I didnt have access to all sourcefiles right now. Scene polycount is a bit over 450k in total now :]
I feel you could push the blue saturation in the clouds / fog area to (over)emphasize the cold. But it is an amazing piece of work.
Ridiculously awesome none the less though!
That was the original plan, to have those... guess reality caught up with us
Oh, pity! It would have rocked even more.
Perhaps it will be added in the near future in a sudden surge of creativity, who knows