Hello Polycount!
For all intents and purposes, my name is Firemonk and i want to become a 3d artist. Currently, it's safe to assume that I know nothing about 3D modelling/rendering/texturing etc, but despite this, I want to learn. I want to make this my career path and I strongly believe that I have the drive, the determination to make it possible.
Below is more of a short plan, more for my benefit than anything, as proclaiming it 'out loud' (so to speak), solidifies my resolve to follow it.
My short term aims is to teach myself the basics and learning to use software used in industry; initially by recreating objects that I find around my house as a way to get used to using the programmes, fortify knowledge and learn the techniques, hopefully to become competent enough with software that I can start to produce renderings of inspired Sci-fi and fantasy artwork (as is my creative interest)
My long term goals are to get involved in modding projects, create maps/character models/weapons for some of my favourite games (i.e models for counter-strike source etc) and submit them online (more for practice than anything). Additionally, I would like to begin producing some true artworks such as pictures and scenes that could tell or be part of a story, be dramatic or striking, be vast and beautiful or spark curiosity or make viewers think.
My ultimate goal is simple, to become a professional 3D artist in the gaming industry.
I am entirely aware that I will probably have to obtain qualifications in order to achieve my ultimate goal but, one step at a time eh?
With that in mind, I decided it would be a good idea to start getting involved in some online communities (hence why I am here), view other peoples work and learn from the masters, so any advice is grately appreciated. I've also taken an interest into the 3DArtist magazines and I see them as being an excellent resource, if you guys and gals know of any other magazines or resources that may help me in learning it would be grately appreciated.
TL;DR - Hi, Im new, I know nothing I would like help and advice
At the moment, I'm starting with Photoshop and Maya 2011 (although I've been told that I should probably start with 3ds Max) and recently downloaded sculptris as a prelude to zbrush. Are there any other particular pieces of software that I should learn to become familiar with or will these suffice to start with?
(I'm really looking foward to getting started, I'm quite excited actually!)
Photoshop and Maya should be sufficient to start with, Once you've got modeling down in one program, it's really just a matter of learning a new interface and the equivalent tools in other programs.
Choice of application isn't that important these days, as long as you learn a nice combination of a 2d and 3d one, learning new tools in the future is usually painless and quick.
The most important skill you will be working on is your artistic one!
Your goals are right on the money. Don't get discouraged, often people start out with a lot of zeal and then realize it is a lot harder than it looks. Hopefully if you hit that point you'll do what most people around here do, double down and become more determined.
I think you would have an easier time learning 3dsmax because the help file and the tutorials included are amazingly helpful when getting started. I started out using Maya, switched to max and had a much easier time rounding out the basics. It's true once you get a foothold in one its not that hard to jump back and forth and the more you do it the less of an issue it is.
You'll do just fine. Just jump right in, and browse the work here as often as possible. And never stop learning once you start.
Check out some free tutorials over at Simplymaya.com (where I first learned Maya), as well as the help-files. And if you are entirely new, even the start-up videos help a lot.
I look forward to seeing you around on Polycount! I wish you the very best of luck.