After being looking around the forums for quite a while I decided to post some of my stuff. Right now I'm a game art student, this hallway was a class project I did about a month ago for a modeling asignment, now we have to take it to UDK. At the moment I am finishing the specular (which I didn't really like) and the difuse (my teacher sugested much more sharpening on the rock textures).
The concept is one of the awesome warhammer online conepts you can find in their website. I've seen at least 2 polycounters do this concept so i had some good reference and a guide to start which was really helpful.
The hipoly images a renders from Zbrush, and the lowpolys are all Xoliul's shader (I love it )
Looking for crits!!
Thanks all!
UDK**EDIT** 2nd Lighting Pass
The most important objects, hipoly to low poly.
Some of the models with difuse and spec, that's what I'm working on right now,though I don't have much time and i'll jump to UDK soon, i hope a cool lighting and some decals and sand here and there will finally bring the scene to life.
The only thing that I think is a bit of a problem is high poly sculpt details seem to be a bit too subtle to be captured. I think its important to exaggerate details and almost overly define things to get them to read well when baked.
The HP looks great and the LP are pretty clean bakes, great/consistent looking cracks throughout the stone in your assets, might I ask what your workflow in Zbrush for creating them are?
I have one little critique about the skulls, they look great in the high poly, but, I feel like the low poly is letting them down a little, especially at oblique angles, you don't have to but if I had the choice I'd try to add a little more depth to them in the low poly
Mark Dygert: Thanks! Yep I feel the fine details I did in the HP should have been more exaggerated to be captured by the Normal Map, I always fall short a little on the subtle side hehe! My teacher also suggested I need more dust and sand, I was planning on adding this via Decal and painting with the mesh paint tool in UDK. You think I should add them in the texture? I'm concerned about doing detail that's too recognizable when I start instancing the models.What do you think?
Moosey_G Thanks! My workflow for the cracks in zbrush is quite simple, I open the crack with the mallet brush and a round alfa, then I keep "diging" with clay tubes and finally some dam standar at the center of the crack, this creates a layered effect, especially in the big cracks which makes the cracks more believable in my opinion.
LMP I totally agree, It's been bothering me for a while, I think i went too low poly on this one. I'll probably redo some of the meshes with skulls when I have time, right now I have to send the thing to UDK as soon as possible or my teacher will dance over my dead body haha
I'll post more stuff as soon as possible! thanks for all the comments and crits, they're very helpful!
Loving the detail, baking came out real nice. You might want to add some definition to your low poly skulls so they don't look so flat at certain views. If you do plan on bringing into the UDK, you might want to think of adding sand and small details to really bring out the scene a lot more.
Exported the assets to UDK, I'm making sure everything snaps perfectly and testing the lightmaps. I can't wait to work on some cool lighting and play with the materials
awesome! this will look awesome when you get a sweet material on it! you should make a vertex paint material so that you can use a heightmap to get some sand or something in the cracks and spaces on the floor=) good job
testing light, let me know what you think about the warm/cold light mixture, I'm trying to decide between this or go for a simpler aproach with a source of light coming from the end of the hallway gradually fading (pretty much what I have in the preview udk images)
Anyway I'm gona try to finish the materials in the coming days and tweack the lighting with the finished materials, i hope having some color in the tetxures helps me decide!
Great modelling, the concept is really strong and your doing a great job executing it. I almost feel you could bake those skulls out on a flat place for the same result since they have no impact on the silhouette but it doesn't look like it's too expensive anyways. It'd be nice to get some small piles of dirt or broken stones scattered around on the sides of the walkway.
Anyways, really great start.
i would stick to the lighting in the concept. much more yellow and more concentrated around the flames. i also would add some dirt and debris on the ground to give the scene a natural feel.
paulsvoboda: Yep, I think you're right, I'm planing on adding sand, dust etc with the vertex painting tool (or whatever called) I have to find some free time to finish the 3d motive tutorial hehe
nbac: Thanks, Yep, I'm thinking about that, I like the blueish light there but I'm not buying it yet, maybe if I should try what you suggest. Byt he way I saw your starcraft monster! awesome
Mark Dygert: Thanks! Yep I feel the fine details I did in the HP should have been more exaggerated to be captured by the Normal Map, I always fall short a little on the subtle side hehe! My teacher also suggested I need more dust and sand, I was planning on adding this via Decal and painting with the mesh paint tool in UDK. You think I should add them in the texture? I'm concerned about doing detail that's too recognizable when I start instancing the models.What do you think?
A little sand in places might help but mostly I would have it effect the spec maps (duller/darker) around the ground where the sand would of been ground into dirt and would of sanded the stone down.
Also 3D motives has a great advanced material tutorial for UDK and it covers blending materials, it factors in the height of the normal map when blending, its absolutely fabulous for adding sand and snow in all the right places. Doing it this way you're not limited to adding sand to your diffuse, you're blending two tiles together which makes it much more random and gives you much more control. You can do this type of blending in other apps like max and maya and other engines also.
Sheesh Are you people reading the advice of others before posting the exact SAME advice over and over ??
** I like it A LOT ! BRAVO on your technical savvy and obvious commitment to hard work and attention to detail.**
Perhaps coming up with a concept purely from scratch and working on THAT could allow for some interesting variations and a sense of uniqueness since I have seen this particular hallway before( although none were done quite as well as this one ). I am VERRY interested in seeing some of your other pieces as I AM SURE an artist of your commitment and ability must have MORE. Maybe a character o a vehicle or something!
Mark Dygert: The sand is coming :P I left it for last, I want to get the lieghting done before. The 3d motive tutorial is awesome, I'm trying to follow it now, but I have a lot of other projects and I don't seem to get any free time Thanks for your help!
I', working on the lighting and the material now, I'm having a hard time lighting the scene I don't seem to get the mood that I want and when i do get the mood I lose a lot of detail that I want to show (that's a portfolio project). I'm looking for any sugestions about lighting, ideas etc!
Looks great! As for your lighting/rendering problem...maybe stop trying to solve both problems with one render? Light the scene to show off the mood you want and to display the scene as a whole. Then show off the pieces, lit for detail, in individual beauty renders...Best of both worlds!
Blankslatejoe: That's poetry men! It makes a lot of sense haha I was losing perspective! I''ll do what you say, it will make my life way easier haha Thanks!
Great high poly samples and sampling, but let down by a fairly flat lighting and composition. It needs more impact, and lot of great work is hidden because of this.
I would look into getting more contrast into your lighting and filling the area with more ambiance. Once you have that done add some colour grading to really make it stand out.
EDIT: Its also lacking in a lot of small details, like small rocks and sand on the floor and all those tiny little details that give the scene depth.
the individual assets look fantastic man, but the lighting is killing the whole thing. for such a long composition it feels really flat/lacking depth other than the perspective lines converging telling you its a long hallway.
have those torches radiating some heat! that's what the scene needs now, contrast and a focal point for the eye to be drawn to immediately. also, getting some strong little highlights on the gold will help sell the material more. here is some suggestions, hope it helps.
PixelMaster! I love that, i don't know what you did to it but I really like that direction, working on it right now! I expect to have something to show you guys tonight or tomorrow morning!
agreed with pixelmasher (minus the lens flares for the fire :P ) but yeah. definitely more contrast. and in addition to more "highlight" on the gold, i think adding a bit of reflectivity to them would help too. (it may also help light bounce around a bit).
do you plan on doing any vertex painting on the floor to add in sand or cracks? regardless of that answer i think you should make a few small sand mound meshes to put along the edges of the floor. maybe pile some up above the pillars too. and maybe go as far as put some beetles crawling around. :P
Hey! I've been working on the lighting PixelMaster sugested (thanks again by the way ) And that's where I am right now, i've to play with the postprocessing volumes more and tweack some lights, but I like the direction it's taking.
Oniram: The reflection for the gold sounds good, i'm probably going to do that! thanks! The vertexpainitng sand is the next step hehe i want to get the lighting to a level where I feel is really working and then i'll start messing start with the vertexpainting.
I'm not a fan of hallway scenes in general, but this is looking pretty good.
In regards to the lighting, have you considered making maybe the end of the hallway have either some daylight pouring in, and blowing everything out, or have some cold, saturated light? It would add some drama to the scene, make it look like the hallway leads to something, rather than just more hallway. Should be a quick change, just add some new lights at the end and take out the last few torches.
The only thing that I think is a bit of a problem is high poly sculpt details seem to be a bit too subtle to be captured. I think its important to exaggerate details and almost overly define things to get them to read well when baked.
Also dust and sand.
Mark Dygert: Thanks!
Moosey_G Thanks! My workflow for the cracks in zbrush is quite simple, I open the crack with the mallet brush and a round alfa, then I keep "diging" with clay tubes and finally some dam standar at the center of the crack, this creates a layered effect, especially in the big cracks which makes the cracks more believable in my opinion.
LMP I totally agree, It's been bothering me for a while, I think i went too low poly on this one. I'll probably redo some of the meshes with skulls when I have time, right now I have to send the thing to UDK as soon as possible or my teacher will dance over my dead body haha
I'll post more stuff as soon as possible! thanks for all the comments and crits, they're very helpful!
Cant wait to see the final scene!
Hope you like it!
Stertman: Yeap! that's the plan I'm going through the 3dmotive tutorial right now :P
Anyway I'm gona try to finish the materials in the coming days and tweack the lighting with the finished materials, i hope having some color in the tetxures helps me decide!
Uploaded with
Anyways, really great start.
hope one day i could have something like this
paulsvoboda: Yep, I think you're right, I'm planing on adding sand, dust etc with the vertex painting tool (or whatever called) I have to find some free time to finish the 3d motive tutorial hehe
nbac: Thanks, Yep, I'm thinking about that, I like the blueish light there but I'm not buying it yet, maybe if I should try what you suggest. Byt he way I saw your starcraft monster! awesome
Also 3D motives has a great advanced material tutorial for UDK and it covers blending materials, it factors in the height of the normal map when blending, its absolutely fabulous for adding sand and snow in all the right places. Doing it this way you're not limited to adding sand to your diffuse, you're blending two tiles together which makes it much more random and gives you much more control. You can do this type of blending in other apps like max and maya and other engines also.
** I like it A LOT ! BRAVO on your technical savvy and obvious commitment to hard work and attention to detail.**
Perhaps coming up with a concept purely from scratch and working on THAT could allow for some interesting variations and a sense of uniqueness since I have seen this particular hallway before( although none were done quite as well as this one ). I am VERRY interested in seeing some of your other pieces as I AM SURE an artist of your commitment and ability must have MORE. Maybe a character o a vehicle or something!
Mark Dygert: The sand is coming :P I left it for last, I want to get the lieghting done before. The 3d motive tutorial is awesome, I'm trying to follow it now, but I have a lot of other projects and I don't seem to get any free time
I', working on the lighting and the material now, I'm having a hard time lighting the scene I don't seem to get the mood that I want and when i do get the mood I lose a lot of detail that I want to show (that's a portfolio project). I'm looking for any sugestions about lighting, ideas etc!
I would look into getting more contrast into your lighting and filling the area with more ambiance. Once you have that done add some colour grading to really make it stand out.
EDIT: Its also lacking in a lot of small details, like small rocks and sand on the floor and all those tiny little details that give the scene depth.
Nice work so far!
have those torches radiating some heat! that's what the scene needs now, contrast and a focal point for the eye to be drawn to immediately. also, getting some strong little highlights on the gold will help sell the material more. here is some suggestions, hope it helps.
PixelMaster! I love that, i don't know what you did to it but I really like that direction, working on it right now! I expect to have something to show you guys tonight or tomorrow morning!
do you plan on doing any vertex painting on the floor to add in sand or cracks? regardless of that answer i think you should make a few small sand mound meshes to put along the edges of the floor. maybe pile some up above the pillars too. and maybe go as far as put some beetles crawling around. :P
Oniram: The reflection for the gold sounds good, i'm probably going to do that! thanks! The vertexpainitng sand is the next step hehe i want to get the lighting to a level where I feel is really working and then i'll start messing start with the vertexpainting.
In regards to the lighting, have you considered making maybe the end of the hallway have either some daylight pouring in, and blowing everything out, or have some cold, saturated light? It would add some drama to the scene, make it look like the hallway leads to something, rather than just more hallway. Should be a quick change, just add some new lights at the end and take out the last few torches.