Hey, I'm new to these boards. I'm currently working on my portfolio for graduation. I havent touched texturing yet, its not one of my strong points, and I'm going to try to get a better grip on it. After I finish with the cannon, I'm going to tackle texturing all of them, and then continue with the other props.
Wanted crits and comments on my work so far.
Chainsaw Concept:



Sword High


Cannon Concept:

High WIP:

@tbaugher: yeah, Looking back it it now, it is pretty high. I was really worried back then that it wouldn't bake correctly, but I could lower it some more.
@DDuckworth: Whoops, didn't notice that :P I'll have to adjust that.
@Firebert: Yeah, I've been trying to work on beveling my edges more. So far the chainsaw hasn't given me any baking errors with my edges. The only one I've spotted is near the top handle, right under the ring, but the was just the cage, already fixed.
High for the Cannon finished.
Also here a mech I was working on. Still unwrapping it.
Generally to do Metal, you make the diffuse REALLY REALLY dark (nearly black is acceptable). Then put a VERY high specular (and Reflection map) on top of it. with almost ZERO glossiness (aka spec power).
For gold, the Spec Map should be a VERY bright yellow-ish ochre.
Also push the edge enhancement values in your curvature map!
Otherwise looking very pimp!
@ JacqueChoi Thanks for the advice on the cannon, I have very little experience when it comes to texturing. Also, I have no idea what a curvature map is
@ Oniram Yeah, Im' probably gonna have to go back and do that. I usually forget.
Also, here's the high for a steampunk revolver.
And the textured version.
big improvements on those textures! the steel on the revolver is still looking a bit non-metallic, and the wood is still a bit too plastic-like. you may also want to grab the barrel of the gun and extrude it inward for depth, especially if you're going to be showing a turntable of this.
the cannon looks great. though the "gold" bits seem to be lacking detail. in general the entire thing seems also to be missing the AO. i had mentioned i noticed that only in the metal surrounding the platform, but now its hard to see it anywhere aside from underneath the back of the cannon.