Hi Polycount, i have been hanging on theese forums since i started with 3D as a hobby. Since then i have evolved alot and eventually i decided to make this my profession. now that im allmost finish graduating for a 3D art school and starting to look for jobs a portfolio is in order.
Now to my problem, how does a artist go about making a portfolio. Im assuming many of the artist here have no prior experience on HTML coding such as myself. And i just wanted to look for answers.
How do i start?, do i have to learn HTML?, Does companies spit on people using blogspot, where do i look to get a nice webhotel?
Post your thoughts on the subject, maybe it can help others out aswell.
It doesn't have to be overly fancy, just as long as it's easy to navigate and you show your best work ASAP. No flash or any funky galleries. Ideally you just want to go with a bunch of 1000 pixel wide images placed in a column. You can try lightbox if you want, but just as long as it's lightweight.
I'm a bit of a stickler for strict validating coding (a throwback from my code-nazi uni tutors) - so I avoid even lightbox. If learning a bit of html/css is out, i'd go for the easy to use blog thing (wordpress/blogger etc) and use a completely non-blog template on them.
I'm sure if you do a search in the upper left pc search bar - you can find heaps of stuff previously discussed on this subject...hint hint nudge nudge.
You could literally build a better portfolio page than half the people who set out to design a "website" by just repeating this in your entire page:
It's really simple but looks very good and professional.
It's super easy to add stuff, it's just clean and nice. Everything just works.. My cargo site is http://cargocollective.com/vnyhlen
I think it invites only-ish. But you can register someway around it to. If you'r interested i'm more then happy to give an invite
Basicly CSS for dummies, like me.....*cough* let me know what you think about this series.
It's great for learning all those web languages HTML, CSS, etc...
Learn CSS and HTML, you can do that over a weekend! (At least for simple sites like portfolios)
I need to compare it to this: http://web.archive.org/web/20030710085637/http://www.planetquake.com/polycount/cottages/frankie/crash/md/
Damn it's a shame the proper url doesn't work any more.
Also, fullsize pic: http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2144/166/99/575925708/n575925708_2529310_8113.jpg
lol no way.
we spit on people who have bad art and show no regard for neatness, quality and attention to detail (spellcheck your page, make sure your links work and that we see how to contact you.)
like your name and contact should be clearly viable on all pages, there has to be a quick way to look threw all your content preferable just a list of images to scroll, and linking the images to a page with a high-res version plus additional info texture sheets wires etc is good.
nice thing about portfolios is that it doesn't matter if you spent a weekend learning html/css or are a expert at php js and work with CMS systems the quality can be the same since th objectives of the site are so simple and don't require much tech.
also i don't know if it's just me, but i like it when people put enough money into it to at-least get there own domain, shows they have confidence in there work if there willing to spend money to present it, and memorable site names can help people find your stuff again if it caught there eye and they need to find it again.
If you need something fast try carbonmade or my favorite all in one Cargo collective. you'll get nice output without spending a lot of time, both with easy CMS features.
here is the link
All if what this man said, anything more complex will not improve ones chances of getting a job and is most likely better spent on working on ones skills.
Let the work speak for itself dont get too bogged down in trying to create a fancy page, no one really cares about that (unless you are applying as a 2d graphic designer of course)
This -^ And again, i will give you a invite any day..