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Internet Providers? (Canada)

polycounter lvl 12
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Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
Hey to all,

I was wondering what Internet Provider anyone from Canada might be using and how good you find it (as in -are you happy with it-).

I have been having abit of a hard patch with my internet provider (Bell) and would like to know what Polycounters use, as a means to keep my options open incase I need to call it quits and change.

So yeah, and oh, also sorry for spamming with a topic like this which isn't...fun...but I thought what better place to ask then the community I look upto.

Cheers and ciao.


  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    we just recently switched from Rogers to Teksavvy because teksavvy now offers cable ( no dsl in my area).
    Pretty happy, great customer service, much cheaper than everyone else, no bandwidth caps, AND gettng much faster connection than advertised.
    Paying I think 44 dollars for 15mb getting around 25-30 down. :)
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks VPrime, I only heard good stuff about TekSavvy, how long did it take them to put up the stuff and get it working? Also, do they do complicated stuff like setup email accounts with MSN and stuff?

  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    We transfered from Rogers to teksavvy.. So they didn't have to come to our house to do anything, They just shipped out our modem (which we bought from them), then plugged it in the day rogers service ened and tek savvy was to begin. No issues.
    Except, last week. For some reason rogers decided to come to our house and cut our cable line. Called tek savvy and they sent some one over next day so no major problem.

    No clue about the email/msn stuff though as I just use hotmail for msn, and not even use my isp email at all.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Ah coolio, sounds like these guys know what they're doing. Much appreciated for the time mate, thank you.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    I use Rogers and it seems to be ok at the moment. I am stuck with it because the place where I live only supports rogers and my parents have this family package that comes with pretty much everything. =\
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    Moved recently to Langley BC and now I'm on Shaw, which I'm pretty happy with. They have a cheap 50Mbps plan and a cool system for dealing with data caps. If you go over the limit (which is pretty high) instead of being gouged-per-GB you just get bumped up to a better plan for the rest of the month, which might give you faster speed too, and the first time you do it they don't charge you extra at all.

    Haven't been here long but so far it's been lightning fast with no downtime. In general I hear way less complaints from Shaw users than Telus. Bell is almost universally despised. Rogers seems okay. I used to be on a local provider, DCCNet, and they were mediocre.

    The people Shaw have sent over have been really friendly and helpful, although that is mainly because it's Langley.
  • R3D
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    R3D interpolator
    I use Shaw in North Van, havent had a problem.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    I don't think they offer Rogers Internet in Montreal, and from what I heard, they're not as bad as Bell, so that counts.

    I'll look into Shaw also, seems like they have another decent plan option.
  • Eclipse
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    Eclipse polycounter lvl 18
    I used Teksavvy the entire 3 years I lived in Montreal and really liked it.
  • greuh
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    greuh polycounter lvl 17
    Ace-Angel wrote: »
    I don't think they offer Rogers Internet in Montreal, and from what I heard, they're not as bad as Bell, so that counts.

    I'll look into Shaw also, seems like they have another decent plan option.

    oh so you're in Montreal? well, I guess you're in for a treat then /scarcasm
    it seems quebec regulation on telecom is totally different than anywhere else in canada.

    From what I understand there's only 2 major ISPs here: Bell and Videotron. Both of those rent their infrastructure to other independent providers, but ultimately you'll still be paying a whole lot more than anywhere else in canada.

    I left Bell to go to Electronic Box cable (using videotron infrastructure), nothing to complain about, except the price still.

    There seems to still have some no-cap offers but only on DSL, and only on 5Mbits lines (from what I understood of the issue, it's the Bell DSL infrastructure that's being rented to other ISPs).

    I would look into VDN if you are in downtown Montreal, as they seem to have their own fiber infrastructure, but I have no first hand info about them.

    I still strongly recommend you go read stuff there and find more details/infos: http://www.dslreports.com/forums/23
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Guah, that sucks. Thanks Greuth, I'll take a peek at that.

    Although from what I can see, TekSavvy is offering a 300GB cap (more then enough for me) at 32$ 5/800 vs Bells 60GB cap at 43$ 7/100. Plus, Bell tend to rip me off for no reason (Phones Caller ID no working, extra charges on my Usage Bill, bah).

    Thanks peeps, will poke around some more.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    yea im with shaw out here in vancouver, pretty happy with them, high data caps and just got a promo for 25mbs internet and cable with hd pvr for 35 bucks a month for 6 months, then 88 a month after that or I can cancell it any time.

    when I was in montreal I remember the internet usage in the place EA was putting me up in being really limited, like 2gb a month, if I go over I was supposed to pay but they never made me, ea musta covered it. it still felt super limited.
  • firestarter
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    firestarter polycounter lvl 19
    I switched from Bell to Teksavvy when it looked like UBB was coming in... Bell had already conned me off of my measly 60gb plan(though it was enough for me really), "We can save you $5 a month, no catch!" reducing me to 40gb and thus my bill increased almost 100% over the course of a year as they kept upping the charges for 'overusage' hah!

    Bell keep phoning me to ask how they can win me back, which I keep telling there's nothing you can do, you're a bunch of criminals.

    Teksavvy customer support are under the impression that they can cancel your Bell internet, which I found out the expensive way, is not so. But other than that all has been fine since february... touch wood.
  • hobodactyl
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    hobodactyl polycounter lvl 18
    I'm in Montreal and had Videotron when I first moved here, but I've been with Teksavvy for... at least 2 years now I think? I've moved several times, and I've never had any problems with the switch or anything, and customer service has always been great with me. For me they've been really great, I recommend them.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah, thanks for all the input guys, I think I'll go with TekSavvy asap due to customer service.

    Bell bumped up my rates from 42 to 45$ plus without telling me, they added a 48$ usage fee for NO REASON since I monitor my stuff with an almost Mordin like attitude, so I could not have possibly wasted 19GB.

    Honestly, they also overcharge my phone bills for no reason, and don't event respect the night/weekend times for low rates, they're horrible.

    Anyone have any tips on how I can break off any deal with Bell flawlessly? I had to write an angry email to them before they answered back to me after a week, hell, when I had to deal with my Mothers chemo therapy and told them I wouldn't be in the city for about a month, they still called me up a few days after I came home asking me sternly for payment and for me 'not to be late'.

    Anyhow, thanks for all the feedback people, much love :)
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    I'm on Telus and it sucks. If you are in or move to western Canada, don't get Telus. Customer service is awful, there's hidden bs fees and my service is highly inconsistent.

    Thinking of switching to TekSavvy but it costs a lot up front to make the switch.:(
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