I didn't see much quality being published by this studio, do they even make games, or do they go around closing studios and hiring guys only to have shamed at the door by guards?
I talked to some guys that were at the Florida studio when that got shuttered and they said a bunch of people were asked to relocate to the Texas studio. These guys passed and looked for other opportunities, even at that point they figured something like this would happen because of how the place was run.
Good luck to the competent people over there though.
No big surprise. The industry is changing, projects are more and more demanding + financial crisis worldwide, that leaves very little room for average devs, poor management and missed milestones. Its a sad situation, but I dont think the closures are gonna stop any time soon, I think we will see some major shifts in how development is handled over the next few years.
Thanks Jeffro and all, I'm OK, I still have VFX to make on Monday.
The Florida team moved to Austin and were working on an unannounced game. Yesterday sadly they were laid off as it says in the gamasutra article. Great bunch of people on the team! really talented I got to hang out with them last night, gave them places to try in Austin that I knew of. There are a large amount of Austin companies are hiring, it isn't like Florida.
I was helping them out for a short while, making VFX, it was a nice break from MMO stuff I actually got to use shaders!
No big surprise. The industry is changing, projects are more and more demanding + financial crisis worldwide, that leaves very little room for average devs, poor management and missed milestones. Its a sad situation, but I dont think the closures are gonna stop any time soon, I think we will see some major shifts in how development is handled over the next few years.
Id say that depends. It most definately suck that companies close and people loose their jobs, no one wants that, but hopefully our industry will grow up a bit and mature when it comes to production, estimating schedules, learning to handle transitions between projects etc. Too many simple mistakes are made at production and managementlevel. But hopefully in the future we will have more streamlined studios where this kind of thing happens a lot less.
I wish everyone affected a speedy recovery. *bro hug*
Good luck to the competent people over there though.
They all seem to have had one thing in common: Poor management.
Hope everyone that was in the cut lands something fast.
The Florida team moved to Austin and were working on an unannounced game. Yesterday sadly they were laid off as it says in the gamasutra article. Great bunch of people on the team! really talented
I was helping them out for a short while, making VFX, it was a nice break from MMO stuff
For the better or worse in your opinion?
I would never apply there, and i hope no one here ever has to.
+ London.
I left without having a job lined up at the time if that says anything.. Hope anyone effected picks something up quick.
Id say that depends. It most definately suck that companies close and people loose their jobs, no one wants that, but hopefully our industry will grow up a bit and mature when it comes to production, estimating schedules, learning to handle transitions between projects etc. Too many simple mistakes are made at production and managementlevel. But hopefully in the future we will have more streamlined studios where this kind of thing happens a lot less.