really cool...that's actually one of the few flash games I've ever played that I really, really enjoyed and connected with...I wasn't sure why I connected with it and why I really liked it; I just did. After hearing how that game really relates to the artist/creator, it's so much cooler. I can't say I can relate to him totally, but I know exactly where he's coming from...really cool stuff
Both industries, indie and not indie, are full of gems in a sea of feces.
I was not talking about the quality of the games, because that is not a direct result of the amount of love put into the games, other things factor into that. I meant that its easier to go "yeah they put so much love into their games" when its just some random dude making his game, but people outside of the industry fail to realise that for many "generic" AAA-games there is a team of hundreds of devs who are equally passionate. Therefore the amount of love put into larger projects is bigger :]
These guys aren't all that representative of the indie industry though :P. If anything they're the most known and successful ones.
(dare I say they're.. mainstream?)
I don't know man. They are just normal guys trying to make games. It's true that they have a dedication and intensity other people don't have, but Fez is not out yet, and SMB was released after most of this movie was shot.
As a side note, the guys who made this movie are the nicest people in the world.
Hmm something about this is rubbing me the wrong way.. the trailer feels really pretentious and emotional for being about a bunch of dudes making retro-platformers. It's as if they found the cure for cancer or something
I don't know man. They are just normal guys trying to make games. It's true that they have a dedication and intensity other people don't have, but Fez is not out yet, and SMB was released after most of this movie was shot.
As a side note, the guys who made this movie are the nicest people in the world.
Oh they most likely are, and I'm guessing the devs themselves are too!
But it is a bit like the tip of the iceberg, and even more so greatly enhancing this indie stereotype of how indie developers are.
I really enjoyed that flash game as well.
Also, feel free to fund to the movie, 11 days left.
On another note, interesting thing, this movie.
Gotta take the armchair devs with a grain of salt. hehe.
Seriously though, there is a lot of facial hair in this.
Looks really cool...I might have to donate.
These guys aren't all that representative of the indie industry though :P. If anything they're the most known and successful ones.
(dare I say they're.. mainstream?)
And yet I think every single rehashed FPS game has more love put into it than any indie gameever had.
Well, unfair comparisons from both of you.
Both industries, indie and not indie, are full of gems in a sea of feces.
I was not talking about the quality of the games, because that is not a direct result of the amount of love put into the games, other things factor into that. I meant that its easier to go "yeah they put so much love into their games" when its just some random dude making his game, but people outside of the industry fail to realise that for many "generic" AAA-games there is a team of hundreds of devs who are equally passionate. Therefore the amount of love put into larger projects is bigger :]
I don't know man. They are just normal guys trying to make games. It's true that they have a dedication and intensity other people don't have, but Fez is not out yet, and SMB was released after most of this movie was shot.
As a side note, the guys who made this movie are the nicest people in the world.
This caught my eye a little while back. You can only Pre-Order right now, though. I've been anxious to see/hear about a release.
I want to rub beards with you. And by beards, I mean penii.
Oh they most likely are, and I'm guessing the devs themselves are too!
But it is a bit like the tip of the iceberg, and even more so greatly enhancing this indie stereotype of how indie developers are.
Now this looked interesting (with less quality), but it didn't manage to gather enough: