I've been looking around the web but I thought you loverly people could help out as well

A couple of work buddies and I have been looking for a solid online Zbrush course that we can sign up for during the upcoming months.
Something that goes from "beginner" to intermediate (or maybe intermediate and beyond) that is also worth the bang for the buck. I've come across a couple of online workshops but I'm also out of the loop when it comes to knowing when these classes start.
If anyone has any suggestions it would be very very appreciated :poly142: Or even if anyone has taken some of these online workshops before, how well did they go?
Thanks all for the help!
EDIT: This works better for me than to signing up for classes. So I hope this helps you out.
If you are looking for live classes than good luck with it.
Let me limit the search a bit, we're looking for something that could be more environment focused, it's a bit more niche and I'm just interested to see if there is anything out there like that.
edit: not that we couldn't use techniques from character driven tutorials, but I'm more curious to see if there are environmental focused classes. Hopefully that makes sense :P
zbrush class from the couple of people i know whom have taken it.
Most of my Zbrush knowledge has been through here, youtube, vimeo, and eat3d/gnomon dvds.
I'd be interested to hear if there are any good options.
I took Katon's one, and wouldn't recommend it for enviroment as it's all character.
And for character I would recommend it, great workshop!
Same goes for the Jonathan Rush one, really awesome