I'm working on some custom animations for TF2 characters. I managed to rig heavy for CAT but I'm hopelessly stuck at... applying textures
The model comes with two textures, one for body and one for head and I have no idea how to apply them correctly. I tried googling it but to no avail
Help please?
Valve's texture are in .vtf format, which max doesn't recognize by default.
You need this :
or convert the textures to some standard format like .tga with this :
In Material editor Select Multi/Sub-Material apply headtexture to id 1 slot and bodytexture to id 2 slot.
Apply the texture to the head and body and it should work(don´t forget to check "Show Standard Material in Viewport"
Works like a charm! Thank you very much!
You need not to apply the material by the way. Just select the mesh (head) go to rendering options or something that says "create UV" apply a planer or best fit. Than go to the view port and change the view port to UV so you can see how it is applied.
for 3ds max.
For Maya its the method above that I use. Or
Good luck.
Regarding shameful noobish questions...
I'm trying to install a new plugin but every time this message appears: "Cannot create file C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2010/UI\Icons\Thumbs.db - access denied" and the installation stops. I tried turning off Kaspersky, changing folder settings from read-only but to no avail. I didn't find anything on this matter in google.
The strange thing is that I can't seem to tick off the read-only box in Icons folder settings. No matter what I do it always ticks itself on again!
The TF2 Models already have a uv map, there is no need to generate new UV´s.He just needs to apply the textures:poly117: