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Epoch Game Recruiting

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What do we need?

We are looking to have the initial proof of concept demo of Epoch out by October 31st. The project has been in production since early April with a team of 25. As we want this demo to be of a quality to gain funding and continued production, we are looking to bring in more team members in every aspect of development to ensure the content and quality is no less than a AAA game. If you would like to be in this venture, or want more information, you can contact me on here (whether PM or comment), email me below, or join our production forums at http://www.risegaming.com/rpg/forums/ and we can show you where we are in development.

Anyone joining the project at this stage will be guaranteed a percentage of royalties whether or not they stay with the team after funding. We are looking for long term prospects ideally that wish to continue with this game for the next two years, but if that is not something you're after, the royalties are a guarantee. Developers joining the team at this stage will also have the opportunity of becoming part owners of the studio and shaping it's destiny over the years.


Functionality wise, all major systems are in or nearly in. The new melee system works fantastic, and we are now connecting the same player logic into our AI system. Once this is complete, we add in the dialogue and quest systems and we're finished from a game logic aspect beyond extensive bug testing and optimization.

Assets wise, we are adding in the final few major assets. Concepts are effectively feature complete. From there, it's a case by case situation on assets requested by the level design team for detail but we already have close to 100 pieces built into the project.

Animations wise, we are effectively 95% complete. At this stage, we're digging into any scripted animations needed for certain parts of the plot, and any "filler" animations for filler characters like citizens running around screaming during the chaos of the plot.

Level design wise, we made a different approach and had to revamp a lot of areas. We were attempting to build areas that would've taken a year to design enough unique assets to make it interesting for all 3 areas of the demo. As such, we changed our approach to a more or less linear path that still offers enough exploration to get a feel of the city, but requires substantially less assets to keep it exciting. Rest assured you'll never know the difference and it will look like a massive city when complete in the next week or so.

Overall design wise, we need to build the dialogue trees. The plot is complete and we'll just need to attach the different steps of the central "quest" into the soon to be implemented quest system. There is not a huge amount of dialogue needed for this, and we are looking to show off the dialogue system being in real-time without canned animations and locked cutscenes moreso than quantity.

Audio wise, most sound effects are complete. Music will begin once the full plot is implemented, and will take a few weeks with our composer. Voice overs will begin once dialogue is fully implemented.

What is Epoch?

Epoch is a 1st/3rd person RPG set in the dystopian continent of Atlantis. The time period is roughly 10,000 BC as we approach the end of the ice age.

The game begins with the main character living his life on the continent of Atlantis. Nobody special, just another person trying to live out his life, for better or worse. In this world, most people have everything and they’ve grown discontent as mortality still looms over their heads. Even though all their genetics and biological advances have removed ageing, disease, and enhanced their abilities, they want more. Multiple projects attempt to resolve these problems, but all fail for one reason or another.

At the time of the main character, there is a huge split between the people. On one side are those in favour of magic in all its versions. They feel technology is a waste of time and that the people would be able to resolve their issues with magic alone. On the other side are those in favour of technology. They feel magic is just a façade and only science can answer questions and truly bring the people to a new purpose. And there still exists, though considerably smaller in size, the thousands of years old faction which built Atlantis to its current glory, a melding of magic and technology, which draws the intense ire of the main factions.

Atlantis has grown into a dystopia. Through the chaos, many other minor factions have grown to fill whichever niches exist, and provide the main character with plenty of choices. Small battles continue to open between all the factions. The magic faction has been known to capture important individuals, turn them into different ravenous beasts, and let them loose on other influential people to cause chaos on the tech side. Tech side responds with using their advanced contraptions to destroy meeting places, with people inside, while the ruling council (led by the Techs) imposes more order to reduce the magic faction's power and influence, and the cycle continues.

These pushes by the ruling group have led splinters of magic extremists into more "terrorist" style attacks. Much to the chagrin of the leads of the magic faction, they have not done much to reel it in either. While they don't condone the style of the younger and more brash members in these groups, it has begun to wither away at the Techs in power.

The player's actions play heavily into the coming darkness beginning to shroud the grand continent of Atlantis, and yet many times, actions play around you without your intervention. The player is not the centre of attention in this world, though the player tends to get caught up in most situations.
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Examples of the visual approach - Epoch: Disurgence Development Area • View topic - What Does The Game Look Like?
Details on the game back story - Epoch: Disurgence Development Area • View topic - What Is This Game?
Progress (being updated) - Epoch: Disurgence Development Area • View topic - What We Are Working On
Questions and Answers - Epoch: Disurgence Development Area • View topic - You Got Questions? We Got Answers.

Fatih Gurdal
Art Director of Epoch: Disurgence


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