Hey guys,
My name is Marcus Jackson and I'm a Character Artist looking to break into the videogame industry. I've been a big console gamer since the Atari 2600. I plan to become an active member of your community both giving and accepting critique as much as possible. Anyways, glad to be here among a group of such talented and fun individuals. I hope to be friends with you all.
welcome to PC
juuust beaaat ittt
Lovely work! Better start baking/ texturing those beasts!
Welcome to PC.
Dloud - I did go to the Art Institute, but I credit everything I know to watching Gnomon DVD's and attending their Masterclass events. I freakin' love those guys. I credit living in my in- laws' basement and desperately scratching to get my career started to the Art Institute.
Rolfness - LOL I love Michael Jackson! I've been a big fan of his for as long as I can remember (even after the allegations lol).
Anyways, better get to work. Catch you guys later.
Keep up the good work.