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WIP 2011 Portfolio Content (Environment)

My first post here, although I'm on Game-Artist (as Blaze_Kick) and GameArtisans (AcidWire). I'm an environment artist with 5 years of self-taught learning and a teeny bit of indie team experience. I'm working on a shiny new portfolio to get further indie or mod experience over the summer and then see if I can find a studio job in a year's time.

1st piece WIP: environment with interior and exterior parts, influences include Ghost in the Shell, Neotokyo (source), Akira, etc..


2nd piece WIP: interior in Metal Gear Solid style (ish). Based on what Area 51 may look like in Metal Gear Solid Rising. Very early WIP, textures only just baked.


Any feedback is appreciated, as I need to up my game and get further into this field : )
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