I'm only posting this in case anybody here on PC entered Dom War and haven't seen this announcement, and have been awaiting news.
Got hit with three major problems this week, so my response time and my attention on GA.org will be a bit slow for the coming few days.
1. I have just been informed that GA Montreal is being evicted along with everyone else in the building. This is a major problem.
2. Dominance War V results have been hacked. I am in the process of cleaning things up, but it's taking a bit of on and off time because I have to go to work in the middle. The results have changed and might change a little more tonight. Will keep you updated.
3. There is another major problem, but it's being delt with.
Thanks for all your patience. If you have any issues with DW or GA, and have pm'd or emailed me, again, my response time is a little slow right now. I will eventually get back to you.
I just know a small number of PC'ers wanted notification on this competition.
I don't understand this. Why would the Montreal gallery/workshop need to stay open to keep the website going? Surely the rent he'd save if it closed could be put to better use.
My guess is that he actually makes money off of GA Montreal, while GA.org and DW take money to run. I believe Fred was running the gallery full time, so it's not like there's another revenue stream, and as altruistic as we like to pretend game artists are, all attempts at fundraising and sponsorship for DW haven't been enough to make the sites self-sufficient. This is really a shame.
Jesus, Fred, how hard is that?
I mean vs. the selling of tutorials, artwork and such, Polycount doesn't sell much else then T's, Shirts and Hoodies.
Please note I'm not bashing GA, but I just find it weird that GA has been hitting rut after rut in the past 2 years or so and everytime it's being called out on DW.
Just means more awesome people coming over here to Polycount and we can be one giant big love/hate family.
As far as Fred goes, well lets just say i put my money on some miraculous recovery, all will be resolved, the competitions will go on albeit delayed and GA will be reborn anew.
Looking forward to unearthly being announced in a few weeks!
Just a few weeks ago, they had a Ubisoft setup at GAMontreal, and with 10 buck entry fee, it was doing pretty well with plenty of students who came in to listen guys talk about workplace stuff and yadda yadda yadda, so suddenly this issue popping up doesn't sit well with me.
Rereading what I just wrote, I would like to note again, that I am no bashing Fred, I saw the guy, he is pretty shy on stage and clumsy, so he is not a evil guy in nature. Yes, he might have done a few mistakes with certain...clauses in the agreement of...stuff, but that is more to do with him being clumsy and not a bad guy (even I'm a pretty clumsy guy).
The thing that bothers me is the plethora of problems that have risen for the past few months at GA, almost overnight when you compare it to how long it took for Rome to be built, that is what is bothering me. Eviction and Hacking at the same time? If I didn't know any better, I would say that the local are Administrator is trying to push out GAMontreal to make a new building in it's place...
wow Dreamer.. you called it exactly as it would happen. lol
"Next time on a very special episode of: GameArtisans"
Must have been a stressful couple of days.
I have to say, I agree with the sentiment. Fred really needs to take things easy and analyze things carefully before posting about them.
Be sure to tune in next competition for the next episode of GA Blues!!!
Edit: gah SkankerZero beat me to it lol!
1. something came up to delay the results being posted.
3. he's dealing with his period.
at this point i don't even feel sympathy, or empathy for him or anyone that entered the competition. last year was the final straw, and this year is the cherry on the cake, proving that not only is the competition becoming/already a big joke, but also that the artists (talented as they are) are being taken for an absolute ride by someone who (claiming to be an entrepreneur) couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery.
at this point, while i'd like to feel sorry for the artists, i can only say that they should have learned from the past 4 comps.
/end bitterness (sorry, very bitter about everything this week).
A being Oh my god closing... DONATE NOW
B being Oh I think I can hold up more in fact
Rinse and repeat.
Unearthly here we come!
Well, from my point of view the participants don't really lose much from having entered the competition. I see it more like a motivation increaser than a just contest. Even if you don't win you could still have made great art for your portfolio.
I do agree that the whole thing has become very unreliable however. I myself have never entered the competition before and this was a good experience. It was both the first and the last time for me though.
Never before has a video described my feelings towards all of this so well.
That and i just wanted to post it!
I was in unearthly back in the day just like many others. We had to wait 6+ months for the results. Instant dealbreaker for any future competitions that guy holds. Brawl did that shit in two fuckin weeks or something.
Ahahahaha! exactly!
You did delete the entire submission thread you bum! Just sayin!!!!! :P
Think of the opportunity you missed out on right there man!!
Make a big deal saying polycount is all over, you fucked up, your being evicted, your wife is leaving you, the government sent some aliens to take you away and other things of epic nature, in an attempt to earn the sympathy of the community and slyly encourage them to send you money.
Then just a couple of days later announce that all of those things.. somehow magically got solved - its all good. But dont forget to paint your face with some blue stuff and in true William Wallace style throw in some inspiring words like " We Mens are like Iron! " or " I will not let the spirit of Polycount die! "
Maybe next time man, think about the potential!
But it's not healthy, for him, mentally and physically, as well his business and his audience to throw a fit without actually looking into the stuff at current state. He jumped the gun here when a few days after it turned out fine.
I'm pretty sure is such a thing came to pass to Polycount (hopefully not) Adam will sit down, take a deep breath, sort through some stuff and take it like a man and solve the issue with R13. If he can't, he'll post about it, ask for advice without making a huge deal out of it, and once he's sure things are down, THEN he'll make an official announcement.
Gah, if only Fred's management were as good as his skills.
Like a carpet store that's always "going out of business"
I was in a restaurant yesterday and they charged me fucking 10 for a while russian!
I laughed for over a minute. This clip is coming out everytime someone says/does something retarded on here!
However, I cannot feel by all of this. I guess I should have known it was a charity case when he wrote that he made only 18K last year.