seriously, wtf just happened, that was some harold and kumar shit.
pffff swedish beer, pay a ton and not have fun, wheres the real beer at
It's true, alcohol is really expensive in Sweden. You're better off going to SystemBolaget and buy some before heading out for the night. Pre-parties (förfest?) OR you could start learning how to brew your own beer.
And seriously Rens, when I'm in Stockholm sometime lets head out for a drink, I got tons of compliments to give regarding your artwork. :thumbup:
damnit it was all going so well, then started mixing up the drinks, i nearly got tossed out of a club at about 3 or something for looking too drunk... i was like dood everyone looks too drunk...
Hey guys. Thanks for a great evening. Here are some pictures I took last night;
Thatanimator and Psychaoz
rolfness and rens:
rolfness' cousin and rolfness
you gotta be fucking kidding me, i walked into that restaurant to hit the toilet yesterday night, what time were you there? Atleast i would have recognized rens, stockholm is a small place...
84 folkungagatan
sofo sodermalm
t bana medborgarplatsen
08 640 8446
6pm !!!
Love this town !
Have a table for 8 ppl
ELD: yeah sunkit, it was the last one.. ever!
I missed it!!!
Also, goddamn rain!!
seriously, wtf just happened, that was some harold and kumar shit.
pffff swedish beer, pay a ton and not have fun, wheres the real beer at
what a rare mood im in
why its almost like being in love
theres a smile on my face
for the whole human race
why its almost like being in love
all music of life seems to be
like a bell thats ringing for me...
harold and kumar never had it so good.
5.30 am, feeling good, drunk as a fart
feeling awesome and sad for brothers that didnt stay with the plan.
awesome to see all you guys...
so like whats the plan for saturday night?
/edit if you insist on drinking piss that looks like alcohol.. well ... hahahaah
It's true, alcohol is really expensive in Sweden. You're better off going to SystemBolaget and buy some before heading out for the night. Pre-parties (förfest?) OR you could start learning how to brew your own beer.
And seriously Rens, when I'm in Stockholm sometime lets head out for a drink, I got tons of compliments to give regarding your artwork. :thumbup:
rolfness you crazy fool! Hope you had a great night!
rens you drunken dutchman! You need to invest in an umbrella, dont want you to getting a cold and delaying bf3.
yesterday was awesome!
was too loud for me to go all out fanboy on eld and goraaz, but hopefully there will be other hookups (no there won't)
eld, Goraaz, thatanimator, Pzychaoz, rolfness, Rens
what up with frickin rain last night sheeeit..
totally forgot to mug rens for his shirt.. damn..
got some funny pics too
Thatanimator and Psychaoz
rolfness and rens:
rolfness' cousin and rolfness
Hope you guys enjoyed the meetup!
thanks for coming down man
yeah i dunno if including my cousin in the line up was a good idea..
penis tank talk made her go errrrrr... xD
Not quite sure what time we left.. But I'm not sure about a lot of things from last night.
Like I'm not sure where I left my wallet..
In some roof club right now.. Getting shitfaced again
What time did you roll up last night?
Its 5.15 am I dunno where the hell I am but there's a huger assed mc donalds here so its like paradise.
Got drunk and got sober won 1200 kr at blackjack too
Flight in 12 hrs
I don't wanna go
Can there be to much partying?
congrats on blackjack, i hope you had a good time in sweden! seems like it!
hahahaha agree !
seriously considered staying another day but decided to leave it for another time.
my liver cant take much more and i think i burned a hole in my stomach
best weekend holiday i have had in a very long time