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Green Lantern

polycounter lvl 18
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flaagan polycounter lvl 18
Not gonna nitpick or complain, saw it at the midnight showing in non-3d, and I found the film to be quite enjoyable and entertaining. It's been ages since I've read the comics, so I'm not sure how close to the origin story they were, but it was a pretty good film. I do like that they left it open to make sequels should this one do well. :thumbup:


  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    Saw the movie (also in 2D). It was pretty good. No darknights, but it was a fun watch.
    Stupid fat lady infront of me ruined it though, constantly laughing at nothing. ugh,
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Thought it was fairly terrible. I liked it up until he went to OA. After that it felt like a rushed mess.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    I'm surprised at one thing, the amount of money that went in the movie and they half arsed not only the script, but also, the CGI and music.

    I'm honestly surprised, I cannot hate nor like the movie, I'm more perplexed as to what they did with the money. 200M vs the 185M of The Dark Knight...this doesn't look good, and most likely, they won't produce the remaining of the Trilogy they had planned out considering how badly it was received.

    In the end, I walked away empty...the only other movie which gave me the same effect? X-Men 3...
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    I am glad it didn't itself as serioisly as other movies...
    Which made it somewhat enjoyable for me, where they spent that extra budget, I don't know.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Ace-Angel wrote: »
    the only other movie which gave me the same effect? X-Men 3...

    Don't understand the hate for that film, thought it was great.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    I'd give Green Lantern 2.5 stars out of 5. Some bad editing in places, poor pacing in other (
    Hal going from starting training to making fully formed constructs in a second.
    ), some bad cg in a ton of spots. Half the time Hal was a floating head because the shot was obviously done on a green screen. The shots on Oa had nice cg but then Hal's head comes flying into view. Or the romance scenes between Hall and Carrol with the fake sky behind them. The lighting in the final scene where
    Sinestro pulls Hal away from the sun didn't appear to having anything to do with the location. They are flying near the sun but are lit as though they were standing in a field on Earth at midday.
    Thor did credits in space better. :poly124:

    I didn't like Ryan Reynolds as Hal much. I think he would have done better as Kyle Rayner. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyle_Rayner
  • Spiralface
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    Spiralface triangle
    Never read the comic books. Thought the movie was "ok."

    I liked the Art direction for the aliens, and even the suit I thought was well designed and executed. (For the most part, the suit is good, but the bad shots REALLY stand out.) I felt the Guardians look pretty sweet compared to their source material.

    I personally like Ryan Renolds, and Buried is a movie that can show that he can do more then just be Ryan Renolds in a movie, but the script of the movie I feel is pretty god awful. The Action sequences are good, but over WAY to quickly, and the one "action" sequence where he "debuts" himself on earth is embarrassingly bad.

    Everything else in the movie was either exposition about the Lantern corps, the Guardians and the Green and Yellow energy, and Paralax (Which I felt where done well enough for a non-fan.) And Hal / some other characters moping around about their life and daddy issues. (Which took up WAY too much of the movies screen time.)
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Andreas wrote: »
    Don't understand the hate for that film, thought it was great.

    I guess it's because I also like looking up the background of a movie and how or where it came from and what it went through.

    When a movies for me has a big budget, and the guys don't try to be organized, I don't like the movie, even if the movies it passable and enjoyable. I like Scott Pilgrim because the adversity of something passable from a very unknown medium and just barely new comic made it more daunting.

    Take Micheal Bay for example and the TF3, he actually said that he saw a wingsuits scene in 60 minutes, and liked it, so he decided to put it in his latest movies.


    This clearly shows he doesn't care generally about the movies, just like X-Men. I mean what was with all the neo-gothic-post-PMS dark outfits? Did colors stop existing magically in X3?
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I don't see the reason for the hate on the Green Lantern. I enjoyed it. It wasn't the best movie out there, but it was still a good flick, and I look forward to a second one. I wonder if those who are nit picking at this, also nit pick every other movie. Sure there were flaws, but I don't go to movies looking for lighting flaws and CGI issues.

    I think people just raised their expectations too high.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Ace-Angel wrote: »
    I guess it's because I also like looking up the background of a movie and how or where it came from and what it went through.

    When a movies for me has a big budget, and the guys don't try to be organized, I don't like the movie, even if the movies it passable and enjoyable. I like Scott Pilgrim because the adversity of something passable from a very unknown medium and just barely new comic made it more daunting.

    Take Micheal Bay for example and the TF3, he actually said that he saw a wingsuits scene in 60 minutes, and liked it, so he decided to put it in his latest movies.


    This clearly shows he doesn't care generally about the movies, just like X-Men. I mean what was with all the neo-gothic-post-PMS dark outfits? Did colors stop existing magically in X3?

    I don't understand at all what you are trying to say... what has this got to do with wingsuits. Are you saying that because they all wore black in X3 instead of day-glo yellow, it was a bad film? I thought the story was quite good.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Andreas wrote: »
    I don't understand at all what you are trying to say... what has this got to do with wingsuits. Are you saying that because they all wore black in X3 instead of day-glo yellow, it was a bad film? I thought the story was quite good.

    It's clear that we'll have to agree to disagree.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    The mind doth boggle.
  • Ennolangus
    Just saw the movie today on my birthday, and i must say i thoroughly enjoyed. It had a good mix of plot and fight/cg scenes and ryan renolds just fits Hal jordan really well in my honest opinion.

    I liked the cg, there were times i couldn't tell if it was cg'd or just vfx on green screen. I liked it much better then thor (not saying thor was bad, just that green lantern mixed in plot and combat much better)

    Never read the comics of the Green lantern specifically. I always read justice league comics. the entire time when viewing Sinestro, i thought 'man he looks familiar but different' theeeen it all made sense at the end.

    Makes me want to read the green lantern comics now, good job all around. Yes there were some parts rushed a bit like Hal's training but it's a movie, and it's not going to be perfect in that sense with what took years of comic books to explain. For the time frame of the movie (2 hours + i believe) they did well to explain what we needed to know, and show a lot of interesting combat scenes.

    4/5 for me. Goes right up there beside Iron Man and The Dark Knight for me personally.

    Also, the mask scene , lol.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Thought it was ok. Not really good but not really bad. It was watchable. I enjoyed seeing him conjure up pretty cg effects, to bad there was far to little of that in the movie. Would have enjoyed more training scenes and such but oh well.

    No after credits scene? Then what is this?
  • Striff
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    Striff polycounter lvl 18
    I saw it the other day and thought it was god awful. The ending just seemed super weird and anti-climactic.
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